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Chargement... The Boys in the Band: A Play in Two Actspar Mart Crowley
Inscrivez-vous à LibraryThing pour découvrir si vous aimerez ce livre Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre. Read because I saw the play at college in about 1973. Several gay friends and lovers gather in an apartment for a birthday party in 1960s New York City. The first act leavens their inherent angst with humor. The second act is all angst and raw emotion. An outsider, ostensibly straight, propels the plot by injecting the type of hypocritical disapproval they have banded together to repel. An emotionally complex play from a different time, but it still resonates. aucune critique | ajouter une critique
Appartient à la sérieEst contenu dansFait l'objet d'une adaptation dansContient un guide de lecture pour étudiant
The Boys in the Band was the first commercially successful play to reveal gay life to mainstream America. Alyson is proud to release a special 40th anniversary edtion of the play, which includes an original foreword by acclaimed writer Tony Kushner, along with previously unpublished photographs of Mart Crowley and the cast of the play, and subsequent film. Aucune description trouvée dans une bibliothèque |
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Google Books — Chargement... GenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)812Literature English (North America) American dramaClassification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne:
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