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Coquihalla Trips and Trails: A Guide to British Columbia’s North Cascade Mountain and Nicola Valley

par Murphy Shewchuk

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Revised and updated, and containing more than 50 maps, Coquihalla Trips and Trails is the definitive guide to southwestern British Columbia's spectacular Coquihalla Country. With more than 70 trips and trails, as well as background information on the geography, wildlife and history of the region, this compact book covers the area from Hope to Kamloops, and from Spences Bridge to the Okanagan Valley in kilometre-by-kilometre detail. The Nicola Valley motto is "A lake a day as long as you stay," and Coquihalla Trips and Trails guides the reader to dozens of upland lakes stocked with Rainbow trout. The hiking trails vary in length and difficulty from a 30-minute hike to a six-hour round-trip to the summit of 2100-metre Needle Peak. Other trails, such as the Coquihalla Mountain will require backcountry skills and suitable overnight gear. (GPS references help reduce the odds of going astray.) The cycling routes include over 150-kilometres of the Trans Canada Trail and a - 40-kilometre link to Merritt. For the winter explorer, the book provides detailed maps of the 50-kilometre Kane Valley cross-country trail system, and additional trails for those in search of backcountry skiing.… (plus d'informations)

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Revised and updated, and containing more than 50 maps, Coquihalla Trips and Trails is the definitive guide to southwestern British Columbia's spectacular Coquihalla Country. With more than 70 trips and trails, as well as background information on the geography, wildlife and history of the region, this compact book covers the area from Hope to Kamloops, and from Spences Bridge to the Okanagan Valley in kilometre-by-kilometre detail. The Nicola Valley motto is "A lake a day as long as you stay," and Coquihalla Trips and Trails guides the reader to dozens of upland lakes stocked with Rainbow trout. The hiking trails vary in length and difficulty from a 30-minute hike to a six-hour round-trip to the summit of 2100-metre Needle Peak. Other trails, such as the Coquihalla Mountain will require backcountry skills and suitable overnight gear. (GPS references help reduce the odds of going astray.) The cycling routes include over 150-kilometres of the Trans Canada Trail and a - 40-kilometre link to Merritt. For the winter explorer, the book provides detailed maps of the 50-kilometre Kane Valley cross-country trail system, and additional trails for those in search of backcountry skiing.

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