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Discovering the Old Testament: Story and…

Discovering the Old Testament: Story and Faith (édition 2003)

par Robert Branson (Auteur)

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Every professor has to wonder, with skepticism, how much of the assigned material the students will actually read. (That is, if they have even purchased the textbook in the first place!) Whether they skim or read all of it, your students will recall the key points of the lesson if you use Discovering the Old Testament.Discovering the Old Testament defines key terms in sidebars and highlights them within the text. Each chapter includes summary statements and review questions to help students focus on what they've learned. Discovering the Old Testament combines all the elements you're looking for in a survey of the Old Testament - thorough, sound Biblical scholarship, combined with an eye-catching format and a writing style that's easy to understand. Every page is full color, in an attractive format, with maps and pictures to enhance the material.In Discovering the Old Testament, you'll find:Objectives defined for each lesson.Personal questions to help students relate the Bible to their lives.Sidebars to explain theological points.Keywords identified and defined on each page.Study questions for review of the material.Summary statements at the end of each chapter to help students focus on what they've learned.Listing of resources for further study at the end of each chapter.An eye-catching format that's attractive to the young college student. EVERY page is in full color.Short, readable chapters.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Discovering the Old Testament: Story and Faith
Auteurs:Robert Branson (Auteur)
Info:Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City (2003), 400 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Discovering the Old Testament: Story and Faith par Robert Branson


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Every professor has to wonder, with skepticism, how much of the assigned material the students will actually read. (That is, if they have even purchased the textbook in the first place!) Whether they skim or read all of it, your students will recall the key points of the lesson if you use Discovering the Old Testament.Discovering the Old Testament defines key terms in sidebars and highlights them within the text. Each chapter includes summary statements and review questions to help students focus on what they've learned. Discovering the Old Testament combines all the elements you're looking for in a survey of the Old Testament - thorough, sound Biblical scholarship, combined with an eye-catching format and a writing style that's easy to understand. Every page is full color, in an attractive format, with maps and pictures to enhance the material.In Discovering the Old Testament, you'll find:Objectives defined for each lesson.Personal questions to help students relate the Bible to their lives.Sidebars to explain theological points.Keywords identified and defined on each page.Study questions for review of the material.Summary statements at the end of each chapter to help students focus on what they've learned.Listing of resources for further study at the end of each chapter.An eye-catching format that's attractive to the young college student. EVERY page is in full color.Short, readable chapters.

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