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The Nisei Soldier : Historical Essays on World War II and the Korean War, 2nd ed.

par Edwin M. Nakasone

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The Nisei Soldier is the story of the remarkable Japanese American citizens' little known participation in and experience of the events of World War II and the Korean war. Professor Nakasone, a teacher of Asian-American and world War II history for over 25 years, brings to life a part of history that has often been neglected-the account of Japanese-American soldiers, the "Nisei," as they fought bravely for their newly adopted country despite the discrimination accorded them by the people and government of the U.S.A. The book is organized as a series of essays on various facets of these two wars with special emphasis upon the Japanese-American participation in and perspective on World War II. A number of the essays on World War II also attempt to capture the Japanese perspective. As a person with Japanese ancestry himself, and through his interviews with Japanese soldiers, the author brings special insight into Japanese psychology and culture with relation to the war.… (plus d'informations)

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The Nisei Soldier is the story of the remarkable Japanese American citizens' little known participation in and experience of the events of World War II and the Korean war. Professor Nakasone, a teacher of Asian-American and world War II history for over 25 years, brings to life a part of history that has often been neglected-the account of Japanese-American soldiers, the "Nisei," as they fought bravely for their newly adopted country despite the discrimination accorded them by the people and government of the U.S.A. The book is organized as a series of essays on various facets of these two wars with special emphasis upon the Japanese-American participation in and perspective on World War II. A number of the essays on World War II also attempt to capture the Japanese perspective. As a person with Japanese ancestry himself, and through his interviews with Japanese soldiers, the author brings special insight into Japanese psychology and culture with relation to the war.

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