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All Tomorrows Zombies

par Jason Vey

Séries: All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG (EDN8012)

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Noise erupted directly into Jamie's brain from every channel of her transmitter - a cacophony of blaster fire squeals, frantic cries of terror, and inhuman groans. She screamed one name after another into her comlink, to no avail. Suddenly, just behind, a wet smack sounded. It was right on top of her ... Welcome to flesh-eating sci-fi. It doesn't get more intense than this! All Tomorrow's Zombies is a supplement for the All Flesh Must Be Eaten role playing game, adding the undead to various styles of science fiction, and featuring the most dangerous zombies ever! In it, you'll find: Guidelines for creating alien races. New skills tailored for sci-fi play. Rules for cybernetics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and robotics. New zombie Aspects. Streamlined psionics rules. New equipment and weapons, from energy swords, blasters and pulse rifles to motion trackers and environmental suits. Complete starship rules, including building ships and expanded vehicle combat rules. Rules for cyberjacking and net running. Environmental rules. Complete guidelines for structuring a sci-fi campaign. Seven complete Deadworlds, ready to play or for use as examples in your own work. Book jacket.… (plus d'informations)

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Noise erupted directly into Jamie's brain from every channel of her transmitter - a cacophony of blaster fire squeals, frantic cries of terror, and inhuman groans. She screamed one name after another into her comlink, to no avail. Suddenly, just behind, a wet smack sounded. It was right on top of her ... Welcome to flesh-eating sci-fi. It doesn't get more intense than this! All Tomorrow's Zombies is a supplement for the All Flesh Must Be Eaten role playing game, adding the undead to various styles of science fiction, and featuring the most dangerous zombies ever! In it, you'll find: Guidelines for creating alien races. New skills tailored for sci-fi play. Rules for cybernetics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and robotics. New zombie Aspects. Streamlined psionics rules. New equipment and weapons, from energy swords, blasters and pulse rifles to motion trackers and environmental suits. Complete starship rules, including building ships and expanded vehicle combat rules. Rules for cyberjacking and net running. Environmental rules. Complete guidelines for structuring a sci-fi campaign. Seven complete Deadworlds, ready to play or for use as examples in your own work. Book jacket.

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