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Women Living with Fibromyalgia

par Mari Skelly

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Although fibromyalgia is a real neurological condition, it is not uncommon for FM sufferers to be treated as if "it's all in your head." Support, understanding, and even basic information can be hard to come by for coping with the intense pain and fatigue of this debilitating chronic illness, as well as the grief, anger, and isolation that often accompany its onset. Women Living with Fibromyalgia offers insight and practical advice to help sufferers alleviate the symptoms of FM and manage its impact on their lives, relationships, and careers. Woman from all walks of life share their experiences and the lessons they've learned about fibromyalgia, from a single student pondering the impact of FM on her future to the mother trying to find the energy to care for her children. Topics include: Strategies for dealing with pain, fatigue, and "brain fog;" advances in pharmaceutical treatment; results from latest scientific research; exciting new "alternative" treatments; financial issues such as insurance and Social Security benefits; and how an awareness of their rights can help women with FM in dealing with healthcare providers. This book helps its sufferers create new, rewarding lives even as they grieve the loss of the old one.… (plus d'informations)

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Although fibromyalgia is a real neurological condition, it is not uncommon for FM sufferers to be treated as if "it's all in your head." Support, understanding, and even basic information can be hard to come by for coping with the intense pain and fatigue of this debilitating chronic illness, as well as the grief, anger, and isolation that often accompany its onset. Women Living with Fibromyalgia offers insight and practical advice to help sufferers alleviate the symptoms of FM and manage its impact on their lives, relationships, and careers. Woman from all walks of life share their experiences and the lessons they've learned about fibromyalgia, from a single student pondering the impact of FM on her future to the mother trying to find the energy to care for her children. Topics include: Strategies for dealing with pain, fatigue, and "brain fog;" advances in pharmaceutical treatment; results from latest scientific research; exciting new "alternative" treatments; financial issues such as insurance and Social Security benefits; and how an awareness of their rights can help women with FM in dealing with healthcare providers. This book helps its sufferers create new, rewarding lives even as they grieve the loss of the old one.

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