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From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to…

From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to Scientific Writing (édition 2009)

par Michael Jay Katz (Auteur)

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From Research to Manuscript, written in simple, straightforward language, explains how to understand and summarize a research project. It is a writing guide that goes beyond grammar and bibliographic formats, by demonstrating in detail how to compose the sections of a scientific paper. This book takes you from the data on your desk and leads you through the drafts and rewrites needed to build a thorough, clear science article. At each step, the book describes not only what to do but why and how. It discusses why each section of a science paper requires its particular form of information, and it shows how to put your data and your arguments into that form. Importantly, this writing manual recognizes that experiments in different disciplines need different presentations, and it is illustrated with examples from well-written papers on a wide variety of scientific subjects. As a textbook or as an individual tutorial, From Research to Manuscript belongs in the library of every serious science writer and editor.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to Scientific Writing
Auteurs:Michael Jay Katz (Auteur)
Info:Springer (2009), Edition: 2nd ed. 2009, 224 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to Scientific Writing par Michael Jay Katz


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This was suggested reading for me from a colleague. I found it useful, it is aimed at people beginning their science career. I found lot of useful hints, but I have to say I skipped a lot of the examples. I think they would've been useful had I not understood the point, but since they were mostly from the field of chemistry or medicine, I just found them hard to read. It would've been helpful, if the examples were from physics/astronomy. However, I got some good general article writing tips and I think reading this will improve my research reporting. So, I'm glad I read it (especially since I really need to start writing) but I don't think I need my own copy of the book. ( )
  RankkaApina | Feb 22, 2021 |
There are a whole lot of guides to scientific writing; I like this because it's practically an algorithm, and one that assumes you're doing experimental research and builds the writing process into the research. Where Silvia says "Outline", Katz goes from the IMRAD heading structure to clusters of topics, to sentences, to re-organized sentences, and with unrelenting step-by-step concentration on putting all the necessary parts of a research result into the most clear and simple order, winds up with paragraphs and then a paper.

Part of the algorithm is suitable maintenance and use of one's own ability to concentrate; Katz assumes a lot of cognitive hiccups, limited capacity, etc., as givens, where Silvia thought of them as topics in their own right. The two books don't particularly disagree in their advice, although Katz pays a lot less attention to the subjective experience. ( )
  clews-reviews | Jun 1, 2011 |
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From Research to Manuscript, written in simple, straightforward language, explains how to understand and summarize a research project. It is a writing guide that goes beyond grammar and bibliographic formats, by demonstrating in detail how to compose the sections of a scientific paper. This book takes you from the data on your desk and leads you through the drafts and rewrites needed to build a thorough, clear science article. At each step, the book describes not only what to do but why and how. It discusses why each section of a science paper requires its particular form of information, and it shows how to put your data and your arguments into that form. Importantly, this writing manual recognizes that experiments in different disciplines need different presentations, and it is illustrated with examples from well-written papers on a wide variety of scientific subjects. As a textbook or as an individual tutorial, From Research to Manuscript belongs in the library of every serious science writer and editor.

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