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The Window at the White Cat par Mary Roberts…

The Window at the White Cat (original 1910; édition 1944)

par Mary Roberts Rinehart (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2745100,519 (3.46)26
Classic Literature. Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Known as the American Agatha Christie, Mary Roberts Rinehart wrote romances in addition to the mysteries with which she rose to widespread acclaim. The Window at the White Cat contains elements of both genres, focusing on a misbegotten love triangle that veers wildly toward a tragic end. When a less-than-ethical politico is found dead, attorney Jack Knox attempts to shake himself from his lovelorn stupor and solve the crime.

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Window at the White Cat
Auteurs:Mary Roberts Rinehart (Auteur)
Info:New York: Dell Mapback #57
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Mystery Paperback

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Window at the White Cat par Mary Roberts Rinehart (1910)


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» Voir aussi les 26 mentions

5 sur 5
A decent murder mystery and love story. ( )
  kazan | Jan 1, 2023 |
After skipping the totally racist parts, I found the story to be engrossing, with kidnappings, murders, suicides, love triangles, missing pearls and eccentric aunts. It was written in a different time and reflected the views of that era. ( )
  LindaLeeJacobs | Feb 15, 2020 |
I'd been wanting to read some books by early crime/mystery writers that I'd heard of but never read before. This particular book popped up as a free title for my Kindle so I gave it a try without knowing how representative it was of Rinehart's novels. I'm glad that I read it and I hope to research Rinehart's works to learn more about her style of crime writing. ( )
  okjlsaz | Feb 4, 2014 |
I just finished [The Window at the White Cat]. It's a nice old mystery. I think I prefer standalones to series. In a series there's so little that can really happen to the main character. This had some romance and humor. I like the character winking with both eyes because she couldn't manage the one eyed wink. It seems in modern books nice characters are never allowed to be in the inept at anything. ( )
  BonnieJune54 | Dec 30, 2012 |
So when Hawes announced a lady, I took my feet off my desk, put down the brief I had been reading, and rose perfunctorily. With my first glance at my visitor, however, I threw away my cigar, and, I have heard since, settled my tie. That this client was different was borne in on me at once by the way she entered the room. She had poise in spite of embarrassment, and her face when she raised her veil was white, refined, and young.
  taurus27 | Nov 13, 2021 |
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Mary Roberts Rinehartauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Burns, RebeccaNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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In my criminal work anything that wears skirts is a lady, until the law proves her otherwise.
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Classic Literature. Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

Known as the American Agatha Christie, Mary Roberts Rinehart wrote romances in addition to the mysteries with which she rose to widespread acclaim. The Window at the White Cat contains elements of both genres, focusing on a misbegotten love triangle that veers wildly toward a tragic end. When a less-than-ethical politico is found dead, attorney Jack Knox attempts to shake himself from his lovelorn stupor and solve the crime.


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