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The Witches' Craft: The Roots of Witchcraft…

The Witches' Craft: The Roots of Witchcraft & Magical Transformation (édition 2002)

par Raven Grimassi (Auteur)

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Set foot on the well-worn path...follow the the time-honored traditions of the Craft as it was once practiced by the village witch. This meticulously researched reference guide preserves the authentic history and practices of Witchcraft, much of which has been forgotten, misplaced, or discarded through the years. Award-winning Wiccan author Raven Grimassi presents many aspects of Witchcraft never before seen in print, including the entire unedited method of constructing the witches' ladder. You will learn all the essentials of the art of Witchcraft, as well as how to strengthen your magickal power through self-discipline, patience, and perseverance. Also included is the author's correspondence with Doreen Valiente. Ancient and powerful, the traditions of the Witches' Craft must never be forgotten. Honor the memory of those who have gone before you, and take your own magickal practices further than you ever imagined when you return to the old ways of Witchcraft.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Witches' Craft: The Roots of Witchcraft & Magical Transformation
Auteurs:Raven Grimassi (Auteur)
Info:Llewellyn Publications (2002), Edition: First Edition, 312 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Witches' Craft: The Roots of Witchcraft & Magical Transformation par Raven Grimassi


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Set foot on the well-worn path...follow the the time-honored traditions of the Craft as it was once practiced by the village witch. This meticulously researched reference guide preserves the authentic history and practices of Witchcraft, much of which has been forgotten, misplaced, or discarded through the years. Award-winning Wiccan author Raven Grimassi presents many aspects of Witchcraft never before seen in print, including the entire unedited method of constructing the witches' ladder. You will learn all the essentials of the art of Witchcraft, as well as how to strengthen your magickal power through self-discipline, patience, and perseverance. Also included is the author's correspondence with Doreen Valiente. Ancient and powerful, the traditions of the Witches' Craft must never be forgotten. Honor the memory of those who have gone before you, and take your own magickal practices further than you ever imagined when you return to the old ways of Witchcraft.

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