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Children: The Challenge : The Classic Work…

Children: The Challenge : The Classic Work on Improving Parent-Child Relations--Intelligent, Humane & Eminently Practical (Plume) (édition 1991)

par Rudolf Dreikurs, Vicki Soltz

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424861,512 (4.37)1
Children: The Challenge gives the key to parents who seek to build trust and love in their families, and raise happier, healthier, and better behaved children. Based on a lifetime of experience with children--their problems, their delights, their challenges--Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs, one of America's foremost child psychiatrists presents an easy-to-follow program that teaches parents how to cope with the common childhood problems that occur from toddler years through early adolescence. This warm and reassuring reference helps parents to understand their children's actions better, giving them the guidance necessary to discipline lovingly and effectively, all while fostering a healthy environment in which children will grow and develop into successful teenagers and adults.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Children: The Challenge : The Classic Work on Improving Parent-Child Relations--Intelligent, Humane & Eminently Practical (Plume)
Auteurs:Rudolf Dreikurs
Autres auteurs:Vicki Soltz
Info:Plume (1991), Paperback, 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Le défi de l'enfant par Rudolf Dreikurs


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Dieser Klassiker unter den Erziehungsratgebern gibt kompetente Hilfestellungen bei konkreten Alltagsproblemen. Dabei setzt Rudolf Dreikurs auf die Autonomie des Kindes und plädiert dafür, Kinder die Konsequenzen ihres Handelns selbst erfahren zu lassen. Mittlerweile zu Eltern gewordene Kinder greifen selbst auf dieses Standardwerk zurück, das schon ihre Eltern benutzt haben.

»Rudolf Dreikurs hat mit seinen Büchern Maßstäbe gesetzt und mit dem Bestseller "Kinder fordern uns heraus" Generationen von Eltern den Weg zu einer partnerschaftlichen Erziehung gewiesen.«
Jan-Uwe Rogge

Mit mehr als 600 000 verkauften Exemplaren ist der Erfolg dieses Erziehungsratgebers ungebrochen. Mittlerweile zu Eltern gewordene Kinder greifen zurück auf dieses Standardwerk, das schon ihre Eltern benutzt haben.

Kinder fordern uns heraus ist ein kompetenter Ratgeber bei ganz konkreten Alltagsproblemen. Anhand von 34 Erziehungsprinzipien werden genervte Eltern und entnervte Lehrer dazu ermutigt, weniger direkten Einfluss auf Kinder und Jugendliche zu nehmen und ihnen mehr Autonomie zuzubilligen. Dem Buch liegen die Auffassungen von Alfred Adler zugrunde, wonach Kinder die Konsequenzen ihres Handelns selbst spüren müssen - je älter sie werden, desto direkter. Im Grunde ganz einfach - könnte man denken.
  Fredo68 | Jun 11, 2020 |
Children the Challenge offers excellent advice and proven strategies for parents who want to build love and trust in their families, helping them to raise happier, healthier, and better behaved children. ( )
  encarter | Apr 10, 2018 |
The first half of this book made tons of sense. I really feel it has valuable things to say about how we should react impartially to a child's behavior, and try to understand why a child might react the way that he or she does, rather than getting involved in a power struggle. On the other hand, I felt that he was sometimes a little off-base in the end chapters. The book was written, if you are familiar with Meyers-Briggs typology at all, from a very 'thinking' rather than 'feeling' perspective. Perhaps I just don't understand my own unconscious well enough, but I feel that ignoring or grossly downplaying a child's hurt or fear, far from making him self-reliant, will only cause him to see YOU as uncaring. I know I would feel that someone was uncaring who allowed my sibling to give me a bloody nose, or my father to hit me, telling me that it was not their place to step in. Sure, you might become more 'self-reliant' in the face of that treatment, being left to fend for yourself, but at what emotional cost? Isn't there a middle road, showing concern for a child's well being while fostering independence? An interesting perspective, but I could never bring myself to follow the whole program, nor would I really want to. ( )
  anniebairre | Nov 23, 2011 |
I read this book when I was 8 years old and my sister was born. I remember enjoying all the examples at the end. I haven't read it since then but I plan to read it again.
  AskAmma | Sep 29, 2010 |
Although this is an older parenting manual, the advice feels unique and fresh (though the language is somewhat dated in the 1964 edition I read. Lots of "Mothers" and "homemakers"). The crux of the book is understanding the evolving constellation of family relationships and encouraging each child with acknowledgment of their capabilities and unique qualities. Feels sound and sensible and should help parents avoid playing one child off the other or being played by the child. (AG, 12/23/09) ( )
  PotomacLibrary | Dec 23, 2009 |
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Children: The Challenge gives the key to parents who seek to build trust and love in their families, and raise happier, healthier, and better behaved children. Based on a lifetime of experience with children--their problems, their delights, their challenges--Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs, one of America's foremost child psychiatrists presents an easy-to-follow program that teaches parents how to cope with the common childhood problems that occur from toddler years through early adolescence. This warm and reassuring reference helps parents to understand their children's actions better, giving them the guidance necessary to discipline lovingly and effectively, all while fostering a healthy environment in which children will grow and develop into successful teenagers and adults.

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