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The .NET and COM Interoperability Handbook

par Alan Gordon

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.NET/COM interoperability in depth: comprehensive techniques and strategies The most in-depth guide to .NET/COM interoperability ever published! Covers every .NET/COM interop option, "gotcha," and workaround Offers practical strategies for .NET migration and long-term .NET/COM coexistence Compares .NET to COM and Java Addresses many advanced issues, including Interop marshaling, Primary Interop Assemblies, using ActiveX Controls from managed code, using COM+ Services from managed code, converting your COM+ Applications to XML Web Services and .NET Remoting The .NET and COM Interoperability Handbook will help you move your Windows(-based software into the future without abandoning the investments you've already made. Writing from the perspective of the experienced COM/COM+ developer, Alan Gordon offers the most realistic, in-depth coverage of .NET/COM interoperability ever presented. He illuminates all your .NET/COM interoperability options, offering practical advice for both migration and long-term coexistence. Coverage includes: What COM/COM+ developers must know first about .NET/COM interoperability Using the .NET/COM interoperability resources built into Visual Studio .NET Calling COM/COM+ components from .NET Calling .NET components from Win32/COM applications Using COM+ Services from .NET applications Turning your COM+ applications into an XML Web Service without writing any code Understanding the impact of COM apartment threading on .NET performance Overcoming mismatches between COM reference counting and .NET garbage collection Interop marshaling, ActiveX controls, .NET remoting, and much more… (plus d'informations)

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.NET/COM interoperability in depth: comprehensive techniques and strategies The most in-depth guide to .NET/COM interoperability ever published! Covers every .NET/COM interop option, "gotcha," and workaround Offers practical strategies for .NET migration and long-term .NET/COM coexistence Compares .NET to COM and Java Addresses many advanced issues, including Interop marshaling, Primary Interop Assemblies, using ActiveX Controls from managed code, using COM+ Services from managed code, converting your COM+ Applications to XML Web Services and .NET Remoting The .NET and COM Interoperability Handbook will help you move your Windows(-based software into the future without abandoning the investments you've already made. Writing from the perspective of the experienced COM/COM+ developer, Alan Gordon offers the most realistic, in-depth coverage of .NET/COM interoperability ever presented. He illuminates all your .NET/COM interoperability options, offering practical advice for both migration and long-term coexistence. Coverage includes: What COM/COM+ developers must know first about .NET/COM interoperability Using the .NET/COM interoperability resources built into Visual Studio .NET Calling COM/COM+ components from .NET Calling .NET components from Win32/COM applications Using COM+ Services from .NET applications Turning your COM+ applications into an XML Web Service without writing any code Understanding the impact of COM apartment threading on .NET performance Overcoming mismatches between COM reference counting and .NET garbage collection Interop marshaling, ActiveX controls, .NET remoting, and much more

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