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Rifles for Watie par Harold Keith

Rifles for Watie (original 1957; édition 1987)

par Harold Keith (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,058238,221 (3.96)32
With fighting erupting around his Kansas farm, 16-year-old Jefferson Davis Bussey can hardly wait to join the Union forces. He wants to defend his family from the dreaded Colonel Watie and his Cherokee Indian rebels. After enlisting, Jeff discovers the life of a soldier brings little glory and honor. During battle, his friends die around him. And when he infiltrates Watie's camp as a spy, he discovers the enemy is much like himself-only fighting for a different cause. As Jeff collects information, he wonders if he will be able to betray his new rebel companions when the time comes for him to return to the Union forces. Historian and author Harold Keith packs this well-researched novel with fascinating details and breath-taking action. Rifles for Watie was named an ALA Notable Children's Book and won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award. Believable characters and vivid battle scenes burst from the pages of history with narrator Tom Stechschulte's dramatic performance.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Rifles for Watie
Auteurs:Harold Keith (Auteur)
Info:HarperTeen (1987), 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Rifles for Watie par Harold Keith (1957)


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Jefferson Davis Bussey is sixteen when the Civil War breaks out. He can't wait to leave his Kansas farm and defend the Union against Colonel Watie, the leader of the dreaded Cherokee Indian rebels.

But Jeff soon learns that there's more to our war than honor and glory. As an infantry soldier, he must march for miles, exhausted and near starvation. He sees friends die in battle. He knows that each move he makes could be his last. Then Jeff is sent to infiltrate the enemy camp as a spy. And it is there that he makes his most important discovery: The rebels are just men - and boys - like him. The only difference between them is their cause. Passing himself off as a rebel, Jeff waits for the information he needs to help the Union conquer the enemy forces. But when the time comes, Jeff finds himself up against a very difficult decision. Should he betray the enemy? Or join them?
  PlumfieldCH | May 7, 2024 |
Very nice historical novel in the Western area of the Civil War (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri). It involved Indian tribes as well.
I put off reading this for a long time (it's a Newberry Award winner) and I don't know why. Must be a stubborn streak about "classics."
Great account of a private Bussey and his experiences on both sides of the war. This could be made into a movie, I think, because it has all the right elements: action, romance, interesting characters, survival, etc. ( )
  kslade | Dec 8, 2022 |
I have reread this book multiple times. It was one of my favorites as a kid. ( )
  jamesjarrett00 | Aug 10, 2022 |
One of the most interesting aspects of Rifles for Watie is that it is told from the perspective of multiple groups in and around the American civil war of April 1861 - April 1865. Keith visited actual battle locations to get a sense of the varying conflicts and not just the well known ones related to violent battle. Poverty, wealth, prejudice, pride, religion, gender, tribal feuding, slavery, freedom. Right or wrong, all of these issues collide.
Keith used diaries, journals, and personal letters to give Rifles for Watie first person authenticity. To personalize it even further, he used interviews conducted for his thesis. Between the years of 1940 and 1941 he visited with twenty two veterans and listened to their nostalgic reminiscing. These oral histories captured the large and small personal sacrifices of war. Ever in their debt, Keith was careful to give all twenty two individuals credit saying, "my obligation to all their memories is very deep" (Introduction, Rifles for Watie p 12). While General Watie and James G. Blunt were a real-life historical figures, the character of Jeffrey and the other soldiers in Rifles for Watie are Keith's imagination; I would like to think of them as a creative combination of all the men Harold Keith interviewed.
My favorite segment was when Jefferey was having a passionate argument with Lucy. Every side of the conflict is laid bare; because there are more than two sides to every truth. Good guys aren't necessarily all that good. Bad guys aren't that bad. Dogs are just dogs. ( )
  SeriousGrace | Nov 5, 2020 |
A fictional first person account based on actual experiences, writings, and memoirs of the Cherokee who fought with Watie and the confederates during the civil war. a good read. ( )
  dswaddell | Dec 9, 2018 |
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With fighting erupting around his Kansas farm, 16-year-old Jefferson Davis Bussey can hardly wait to join the Union forces. He wants to defend his family from the dreaded Colonel Watie and his Cherokee Indian rebels. After enlisting, Jeff discovers the life of a soldier brings little glory and honor. During battle, his friends die around him. And when he infiltrates Watie's camp as a spy, he discovers the enemy is much like himself-only fighting for a different cause. As Jeff collects information, he wonders if he will be able to betray his new rebel companions when the time comes for him to return to the Union forces. Historian and author Harold Keith packs this well-researched novel with fascinating details and breath-taking action. Rifles for Watie was named an ALA Notable Children's Book and won the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award. Believable characters and vivid battle scenes burst from the pages of history with narrator Tom Stechschulte's dramatic performance.

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3 28
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4 54
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5 46

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