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Almir Mavignier: Additive Posters

par Eva Linhart

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Text in English and German. Since the 1960s, the development of poster design in Germany has been determined by the Brazilian-German painter and graphic artist Almir Mavignier. For it is he who, like no other, has learned to apply Op Art's powerful colour effects to the art of the poster. This book elucidates 'additive posters' within the context of Almir Mavignier's influential Suvre. Special attention is paid to the interfaces between painting, poster design and the artist's other fields of activity such as postage-stamp and tableware design. Light is also shed upon the historical relationship between abstract art and ornament. Of particular relevance in this connection is Mavignier's profound and active interest in the work of the German Romanticist Philipp Otto Runge.… (plus d'informations)
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Text in English and German. Since the 1960s, the development of poster design in Germany has been determined by the Brazilian-German painter and graphic artist Almir Mavignier. For it is he who, like no other, has learned to apply Op Art's powerful colour effects to the art of the poster. This book elucidates 'additive posters' within the context of Almir Mavignier's influential Suvre. Special attention is paid to the interfaces between painting, poster design and the artist's other fields of activity such as postage-stamp and tableware design. Light is also shed upon the historical relationship between abstract art and ornament. Of particular relevance in this connection is Mavignier's profound and active interest in the work of the German Romanticist Philipp Otto Runge.

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