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Enchanted Ireland par Paul Lay

Enchanted Ireland (édition 2000)

par Paul Lay, Richard Turpin (Photographe)

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Ireland is an ancient land - beautiful, mythical, tragic - that casts its bewitching spell upon all who visit her. The long, troubled history of this island at the very edge of Europe is peopled with heros, villains, visionaries and gods conjured up among a breathtaking landscape of harsh mountains and swirling loughs, verdant pastures and a raw, jagged coastline. Richard Turpin's collection of photographs reveals a land and a people that, for all the bewildering changes of the recent past, the new-found prosperity and global profile, remain firmly in touch with this past.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Enchanted Ireland
Auteurs:Paul Lay
Autres auteurs:Richard Turpin (Photographe)
Info:Smithmark Pub (2000), Hardcover
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Enchanted Ireland par Paul Lay


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Ireland is an ancient land - beautiful, mythical, tragic - that casts its bewitching spell upon all who visit her. The long, troubled history of this island at the very edge of Europe is peopled with heros, villains, visionaries and gods conjured up among a breathtaking landscape of harsh mountains and swirling loughs, verdant pastures and a raw, jagged coastline. Richard Turpin's collection of photographs reveals a land and a people that, for all the bewildering changes of the recent past, the new-found prosperity and global profile, remain firmly in touch with this past.

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