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Chargement... A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness (édition 2023)par Elizabeth Tebby Germaine (Auteur)
Information sur l'oeuvreA MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness par Elizabeth Tebby Germaine Aucun mot-clé Aucun Chargement...
Inscrivez-vous à LibraryThing pour découvrir si vous aimerez ce livre Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre. A MAN WHO SEEMED REAL: A story of love, lies, fear and kindness by Elizabeth Tebby Germaine is such an interesting read. The book has a strong start with Jonathan moving into his deceased aunt's home only to find his cousin already living there. What ensues is an argument and the story takes off. The descriptive writing pulls you in right away and the mesmerizing story holds your attention. There is much going on here to analyze and wonder about, the author creating a somewhat convoluted yet propulsive read. A truly fascinating book and one worth reading. Recommended. It is a captivating story that mixes suspense, drama, and real emotions. The way the story is written draws you in with its vivid descriptions and a plot that slowly unravels, keeping you engaged all the way through. The main character's journey is interesting and easy to relate to as he manoeuvres through a world where things aren't what they seem. Williams does a great job of showing the main character’s internal battles and the challenges he faces, making the story feel both touching and realistic. The book explores themes like identity, how we see the world, and the tricky nature of truth, which makes it a deep and thoughtful read. The author's writing is clear and expressive, making even complex feelings and situations easy to understand. The story moves at a good pace, with the right mix of excitement and contemplation, leading to an ending that leaves you thinking long after you’ve finished the book. British author Elizabeth Tebby Germaine is a musician, educator, and author who has published six books ranging from musical instruction to WW II history, fantasy fiction and children’s books. Mastering the art of capturing attention with opening lines, Germaine opens this captivating novel as follows: ‘Jonathan turned the car into the short drive where uneven shrubs strangled over worn bumpy gravel and patches of brown grass, and parked in front of the old family home, a handsome, detached Victorian villa in an old-fashioned tree lined street with pretentious steps up to the front door and a porch with stained glass windows. His mother was dead and the house was his. But he was never free of disturbing memories of his recent life, during the weeks of guilt and confusion about leaving the priesthood he had net a young girl with striking psychic abilities, and he waned her desperately. But after a brief time together she had left him, confused after hearing about his activities in the village and probably reading misleading newspaper reports….’ One of the many reasons exploring this novel is rewarding is the fluid, effortlessly colorful prose that establishes seemingly unreal factors as possible realities. Jonathan’s ‘imagination’ and his interplay with both credible (his psychic lover Pam) and the mysterious ‘man’ of the novel’s title create a unique mystery embracing surprises and consequences as well as the traits of ‘love, lies, fear and kindness.’ Enter a strange new world – a fine new novel! aucune critique | ajouter une critique
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The characters are well-versed, and their growth is significant with the passing of each page. The central characters are engaging and relatable. The author has done a commendable job of illustrating the struggles and inner conflicts of the main character, which gives the narrative a realistic and heartfelt sense. The plot advances at a good hook, combining thoughtfulness with thrill and culminating in a satisfying ending that will stick in your mind long after you've put your book down. The book is a profound, contemplative and deep read as it tackles issues like identity, how we see the world and its reality in various circumstances.
The author's explicitly lucid writing style is one more important facet to hook the readers as it efficiently surfaces emotions and circumstances in a more understandable and brings the readers closer to the read. ( )