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Awakening the Spine: Yoga for Health,…

Awakening the Spine: Yoga for Health, Vitality and Energy (édition 2015)

par Vanda Scaravelli (Auteur)

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1683168,255 (4.24)1
A fully revised and updated edition of the classic yoga book, with a new foreword by B.K.S. Iyengar. For more than twenty-five years, until her death at ninety-one, Vanda Scaravelli helped transform bodies and lives with her innovative approach to yoga through the proper alignment of the spine. She listened to the body and worked with--instead of against--it. She used gravity, grounding, and breathing to achieve dramatic improvements in health and wellbeing. Awakening the Spine offers a gentle way to achieve and maintain overall health and a naturally supple spine at any age. Scaravelli's lasting message reminds readers that, "if you are kind to your body, it will respond in an incredible way." Illustrated with color photographs, and lovingly revised by Vanda's daughter Paola Scaravelli Cohen based on the extensive notes Vanda left behind, Awakening the Spine is published for the first time as the author intended--making it the definitive edition of one of yoga's all-time classics.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Awakening the Spine: Yoga for Health, Vitality and Energy
Auteurs:Vanda Scaravelli (Auteur)
Info:HarperOne (2015), Edition: Illustrated, 200 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Awakening the Spine: The Stress-Free New Yoga that Works with the Body to Restore Health, Vitality and Energy par Vanda Scaravelli


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For more than twenty-five years, Vanda Scaravelli has been transforming bodies and lives with her innovative approach to fitness through the proper alignment of the spine. Based on the natural principles of gravity and breath, her revolutionary yoga techniques for overall fitness listen to the body and mind, working with instead of against them to achieve dramatic results.

Scaravelli reminds readers, 'if you are kind to your body, it will respond in an incredible way.' Awakening the Spine offers a gentle way to achieve and maintain overall health and a naturally supple spine-at any age.

Vanda Scaravelli was born in Florence, Italy. She studed for many years with B.K.S. Iyengar and trains teachers who teach her new form of yoga all over the world.


Part I The story of stories
Part II The asanas
Part III Breathing
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Loved the philosophy ( )
1 voter yamiyoghurt | Jan 29, 2018 |
Beautifully illustrated, but not so well written (or is it the translations that's ailing?), it was interesting, but not life changing. Interesting since Scaravelli, just like me, discovered yoga later in her life- in her late forties. Taught by Iyengar and Desikachar, she went on to establish her own yoga school based on her ideas regarding breath, gravity and the spine. She voices her theories in the book. She became quite well known and regarded before dying 50 years later in her nineties. ( )
1 voter Niecierpek | Dec 9, 2012 |
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Vanda Scaravelliauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Cohen, Paola ScaravelliDirecteur de publicationauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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A fully revised and updated edition of the classic yoga book, with a new foreword by B.K.S. Iyengar. For more than twenty-five years, until her death at ninety-one, Vanda Scaravelli helped transform bodies and lives with her innovative approach to yoga through the proper alignment of the spine. She listened to the body and worked with--instead of against--it. She used gravity, grounding, and breathing to achieve dramatic improvements in health and wellbeing. Awakening the Spine offers a gentle way to achieve and maintain overall health and a naturally supple spine at any age. Scaravelli's lasting message reminds readers that, "if you are kind to your body, it will respond in an incredible way." Illustrated with color photographs, and lovingly revised by Vanda's daughter Paola Scaravelli Cohen based on the extensive notes Vanda left behind, Awakening the Spine is published for the first time as the author intended--making it the definitive edition of one of yoga's all-time classics.

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