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¿Qué sigue? / Whats Next ?: 20 Lecciones Para Ser Ciudadano Ante Un País En Riesgo /Twenty Lessons for Citizens in a Country at Risk

par Denise Dresser

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"Denise Dresser presenta una lectura urgente y necesaria: Lp?ez Obrador sedujo a millones con su promesa de salvaguardar la democracia y ser un antd?oto contra la regresin? polt?ica y social de Mx?ico. Hoy la distancia entre aquella esperanza y la realidad es insalvable. AMLO ha erosionado, con palabras y hechos, la institucionalidad deficitaria, reemplaz?dola con un ejercicio de gobiernocentrado sl?o en ?, rodeado de verde olivo. Por improvisacin?, por prisa, y por mala administracin?, heredar ?bombas de tiempo a su sucesora. Este libro es un manual para ejercer una ciudadana? valiente y lc?ida ante el autoritarismo de AMLO y de cualquier nueva Tlatoani por venir. Contiene recomendaciones para resistir, para reconstruir y para armar futuros posibles y sostenibles. No puedes gobernar para el pueblo con m?odos anti-democrt?icos y abusivos. No te dejes seducir. No te dejes comprar. No permitas que dejen de rendirte cuentas o traten de evitar la transparencia. No te vuelvas cm?plice del despojo y el arrebato de tus derechos. Qu ?sigue? La responsabilidad de asegurar un Mx?ico moderno, prs?pero e incluyente tambi? es tuya. Ejerce tu poder de control y castigo para rescatar al pas?." --"Denise Dresser presents an urgent and necessary reading: Lp?ez Obrador seduced millions with his promise to safeguard democracy and be an antidote to Mexico's political and social regression. Today the distance between that hope and reality is unbridgeable. AMLO has eroded, with words and deeds, the deficient institutions, replacing it with a government exercise centered only on him, surrounded by olive green. By improvisation, by haste, and by mismanagement, he will inherit time bombs to his successor. This book is a manual for exercising brave and lucid citizenship in the face of the authoritarianism of AMLO and any new Tlatoani to come. It contains recommendations to resist, to rebuild and to build possible and sustainable futures. You cannot govern for "the people" with undemocratic and abusive methods. Don't be seduced. Don't let yourself be bought. Don't let them stop you from being accountable or try to avoid transparency. Do not become complicit in the dispossession and the taking of your rights. What's Next? The responsibility of ensuring a modern, prosperous and inclusive Mexico is also yours. Exercise your power of control and punishment to rescue the country." --… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parJaguilar64

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"Denise Dresser presenta una lectura urgente y necesaria: Lp?ez Obrador sedujo a millones con su promesa de salvaguardar la democracia y ser un antd?oto contra la regresin? polt?ica y social de Mx?ico. Hoy la distancia entre aquella esperanza y la realidad es insalvable. AMLO ha erosionado, con palabras y hechos, la institucionalidad deficitaria, reemplaz?dola con un ejercicio de gobiernocentrado sl?o en ?, rodeado de verde olivo. Por improvisacin?, por prisa, y por mala administracin?, heredar ?bombas de tiempo a su sucesora. Este libro es un manual para ejercer una ciudadana? valiente y lc?ida ante el autoritarismo de AMLO y de cualquier nueva Tlatoani por venir. Contiene recomendaciones para resistir, para reconstruir y para armar futuros posibles y sostenibles. No puedes gobernar para el pueblo con m?odos anti-democrt?icos y abusivos. No te dejes seducir. No te dejes comprar. No permitas que dejen de rendirte cuentas o traten de evitar la transparencia. No te vuelvas cm?plice del despojo y el arrebato de tus derechos. Qu ?sigue? La responsabilidad de asegurar un Mx?ico moderno, prs?pero e incluyente tambi? es tuya. Ejerce tu poder de control y castigo para rescatar al pas?." --"Denise Dresser presents an urgent and necessary reading: Lp?ez Obrador seduced millions with his promise to safeguard democracy and be an antidote to Mexico's political and social regression. Today the distance between that hope and reality is unbridgeable. AMLO has eroded, with words and deeds, the deficient institutions, replacing it with a government exercise centered only on him, surrounded by olive green. By improvisation, by haste, and by mismanagement, he will inherit time bombs to his successor. This book is a manual for exercising brave and lucid citizenship in the face of the authoritarianism of AMLO and any new Tlatoani to come. It contains recommendations to resist, to rebuild and to build possible and sustainable futures. You cannot govern for "the people" with undemocratic and abusive methods. Don't be seduced. Don't let yourself be bought. Don't let them stop you from being accountable or try to avoid transparency. Do not become complicit in the dispossession and the taking of your rights. What's Next? The responsibility of ensuring a modern, prosperous and inclusive Mexico is also yours. Exercise your power of control and punishment to rescue the country." --

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