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The Jewish Brigade: An Army with Two Masters 1944-45

par Morris Beckman

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A brigade was formed in 1944 as part of the British Army and fought with distinction in Italy. It was the first all-Jewish army, and knowledge of its existence and its role in defeating the Nazis gave an immense boost to Jews everywhere. After the war the brigade helped Jewish refugees beat the British blockade of Palestine.… (plus d'informations)

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NO OF PAGES: 159 SUB CAT I: Holocaust SUB CAT II: Jewish Wars SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Winston Churchill's BBC broadcast of September 20, 1944, announced: "His Majesty's government have decided that a Jewish Brigade should be formed to take part in active operations." These few simple words electrified Jews wherever they heard them--in refugee camps, in the British protectorate of Palestine, and, most of all, in Allied army camps where thousands of Jews already served. This was the moment they had been waiting and praying for: a chance to fight the Nazis under the flag of the Star of David. It had been 2,000 years since a Jewish army had taken the field for conventional combat operations. Now the Jews would form a cohesive brigade, to strike back at the jack-booted hordes that had killed so many of their people. The 5,500 men of the Brigade represented 52 nationalities and spoke 20 languages. Once committed against the tough German divisions in Italy, the Brigade distinguished itself in action, constantly advancing and inflicting far more casualties than it suffered. Enemy prisoners experienced a rare form of terror whey they espied the Brigade's insignia, thus realizing the identity of their captors.NOTES: SUBTITLE: An Army With Two Masters 1944-45
  BeitHallel | Feb 18, 2011 |
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A brigade was formed in 1944 as part of the British Army and fought with distinction in Italy. It was the first all-Jewish army, and knowledge of its existence and its role in defeating the Nazis gave an immense boost to Jews everywhere. After the war the brigade helped Jewish refugees beat the British blockade of Palestine.

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