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Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books…

Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Burke Collection (édition 2024)

par Mindell Dubansky, Ian Berke (Auteur)

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"Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Berke Collection" is a fascinating exploration of the realm where book-like objects and folk art intersect. San Francisco collector Ian Berke began collecting these intriguing artifacts during a chance encounter at an antique show in New England in 2007.This catalog of the exhibition at San Francisco Center for the Book invites viewers to explore a selection of intricately carved books from Berke's collection. These objects are more than mere curiosities; they are tangible expressions of emotion, whether friendship, love, devotion, or commemoration of significant events. From the delicate intricacies of the carvings to heartfelt inscriptions etched upon their surfaces, the works offer a window into a bygone era, where craftsmanship and sentimentality converged in remarkable ways."Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Berke Collection" illuminates the cultural and historical contexts in which these objects were created, encouraging gallery visitors to reflect on the enduring power of material objects to convey and preserve the intangible aspects of human experience.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Burke Collection
Auteurs:Mindell Dubansky
Autres auteurs:Ian Berke (Auteur)
Info:San Francisco Center for the Book
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Looks, stone books

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Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Burke Collection par Mindell Dubansky

Récemment ajouté parColleenMullins

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"Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Berke Collection" is a fascinating exploration of the realm where book-like objects and folk art intersect. San Francisco collector Ian Berke began collecting these intriguing artifacts during a chance encounter at an antique show in New England in 2007.This catalog of the exhibition at San Francisco Center for the Book invites viewers to explore a selection of intricately carved books from Berke's collection. These objects are more than mere curiosities; they are tangible expressions of emotion, whether friendship, love, devotion, or commemoration of significant events. From the delicate intricacies of the carvings to heartfelt inscriptions etched upon their surfaces, the works offer a window into a bygone era, where craftsmanship and sentimentality converged in remarkable ways."Remember Me: American Carved Stone Books from the Ian Berke Collection" illuminates the cultural and historical contexts in which these objects were created, encouraging gallery visitors to reflect on the enduring power of material objects to convey and preserve the intangible aspects of human experience.

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