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Pointless Facts for Curious Minds: A new…

Pointless Facts for Curious Minds: A new kind of quiz book from the hit BBC 1 game show (édition 2023)

par Alan Connor (Auteur)

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Which star of The Crownis the great-granddaughter of a British prime minister? Which TV quiz show is based on the creator's experience of being interrogated as a prisoner of war? Which property on the Monopoly board does not exist in the real-life London? For lovers of the most obscure and unlikely facts - as well as the unsung quizzing geniuses out there (we all know a couple) - comes Pointless Facts for Curious Minds, the book where obvious answers mean nothing and obscurity reigns. A compendium of fascinating and arcane bits of knowledge, mixed amongst a healthy dose of Pointless quizzing, this is a book that takes a quiz as only the starting point of your intelligent adventures. Pointless Facts for Curious Mindsgives you the chance to put your knowledge to the test and prove your Pointless credentials.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Pointless Facts for Curious Minds: A new kind of quiz book from the hit BBC 1 game show
Auteurs:Alan Connor (Auteur)
Info:BBC Books (2023), 272 pages
Collections:East Wing

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Pointless Facts for Curious Minds: A new kind of quiz book from the hit BBC 1 game show par Alan Connor

Récemment ajouté parFP1

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Which star of The Crownis the great-granddaughter of a British prime minister? Which TV quiz show is based on the creator's experience of being interrogated as a prisoner of war? Which property on the Monopoly board does not exist in the real-life London? For lovers of the most obscure and unlikely facts - as well as the unsung quizzing geniuses out there (we all know a couple) - comes Pointless Facts for Curious Minds, the book where obvious answers mean nothing and obscurity reigns. A compendium of fascinating and arcane bits of knowledge, mixed amongst a healthy dose of Pointless quizzing, this is a book that takes a quiz as only the starting point of your intelligent adventures. Pointless Facts for Curious Mindsgives you the chance to put your knowledge to the test and prove your Pointless credentials.

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