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Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus par Princeton…

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus (original 1992; édition 1993)

par Princeton Lang Inst (Auteur)

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1,170217,706 (3.95)2
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus enables users to learn and make sense of words in a way no other thesaurus does, with: 17,000 main words, alphabetically listed, with parts of speech and concise definitions, for convenient, at-a-glance decision making.450,000 synonyms, more than any other thesaurusA versatile, thorough compilation of words and phrases - from slang to common usage - to the most erudite of word choices.Hundreds of recently coined and common AmericanismsA unique Concept Index to find words with only one concept in mind, rather than a specific word. This process of linking words together mirrors the way we actually think. With its innovative Concept Index, this thesaurus enhances the traditional function of thesauri; the simple replacement of one word with another. The Concept Index enriches users' understanding of meaning and usage by grouping together main entry words that share a similar idea or property - achieving broad connections of language between such categories as: ACTIONS, CAUSES, LIFE FORMS, QUALITIES, SENSES, etc. The essential reference for the 21st century, this is the most up-to-the-minute thesaurus of American English today. students, professionals and general users will love its easy-to-use dictionary format and will find its reliable, accurate word choices indispensable.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus
Auteurs:Princeton Lang Inst (Auteur)
Info:Laurel (1993), 880 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:default, to-read

Information sur l'oeuvre

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus par Peter Mark Roget (1992)


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

2 sur 2
Delightfully useful ( )
  Harrod | Nov 29, 2008 |
Although I don't use it much these days, thanks to "", that doesn't diminish the quality of this reference. It was exceedingly practical for many of my college courses, and not just my English classes.

The publisher nicely combined an A-Z dictionary format with Roget's groundbreaking "concept" index. It's incredibly useful for finding that word that's just on the tip of your tongue, or for finding a completely new way to express a time-worn idea. ( )
  sloDavid | Dec 11, 2005 |
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Roget, Peter Markauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Kipfer, Barbara Annauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus enables users to learn and make sense of words in a way no other thesaurus does, with: 17,000 main words, alphabetically listed, with parts of speech and concise definitions, for convenient, at-a-glance decision making.450,000 synonyms, more than any other thesaurusA versatile, thorough compilation of words and phrases - from slang to common usage - to the most erudite of word choices.Hundreds of recently coined and common AmericanismsA unique Concept Index to find words with only one concept in mind, rather than a specific word. This process of linking words together mirrors the way we actually think. With its innovative Concept Index, this thesaurus enhances the traditional function of thesauri; the simple replacement of one word with another. The Concept Index enriches users' understanding of meaning and usage by grouping together main entry words that share a similar idea or property - achieving broad connections of language between such categories as: ACTIONS, CAUSES, LIFE FORMS, QUALITIES, SENSES, etc. The essential reference for the 21st century, this is the most up-to-the-minute thesaurus of American English today. students, professionals and general users will love its easy-to-use dictionary format and will find its reliable, accurate word choices indispensable.

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