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Disturbing His Peace (2019)

par Tessa Bailey

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She's got probable cause to make her move . . . Danika Silva can't stand Lt. Greer Burns. Her roommate's older brother may be sexy as hell, but he's also a cold, unfeeling robot. She just wants to graduate the police academy and forget about her scowling superior. But when a dangerous mistake lands Danika on probation-under Greer's watch-she's forced to interact with the big, hulking jerk. Call him daily to check in? Done. Ride shotgun in his cruiser every night? Done. Try not to climb into his giant, muscular lap and kiss him? Umm… Greer doesn't let anything-or anyone-distract him from the job. Except lately, all he can think about is Danika. He's wanted the beautiful, cocky recruit since the moment he saw her. But she's reckless and unpredictable, and Greer is painfully aware of what can happen when an officer doesn't follow the rules. Probation seemed like a good idea, but now Danika's scent is in his car and he's replayed her voicemails twenty times. Christ, he's a goner. Danika's melting Greer's stone-cold exterior one ride-along at a time. Being together could have serious consequences… but breaking a few rules never hurt anybody, right?… (plus d'informations)

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This series. The Academy, has been fun. As always, the boys are too controlling, and the way they fall is cheesy, but I'll allow it in this limited arena. The books are dreamy and sexy and fun and that is really all I want. The series centers on three NYPD Academy recruits, Charlie, Jack and Danica as they become cops and sink into perfect romantic bliss. This third book covers Danica's long brewing connection with Greer who is one of their Academy trainers and also brother to Charlie, the star of Book 1 of the series. He is a hard-nosed cop raised to the job still reeling from loss after the death of his partner (we learn this in earlier books) His one weak spot is Danica -- and of course she is the one person who can help him heal. The rest goes from there. I think most romance readers will really like this one. ( )
  Narshkite | Oct 3, 2022 |
Dankia and Greer's story! Finally!!!

The final book in The Academy series did not disappoint. The tension that's been simmering between these two through two other books? Practically explodes here, and OMG, you won't want to miss it. Trust me.

Even though Greer's more than lived up to his "Lieutenant Hard-A$$" moniker throughout the series--and what Danika overhears him say about Jack in book 2? Yeah, it's hard to get over--finally seeing things from his point of view really turns him into a sympathetic character at last. And watching him do what he must to become the kind of guy Danika deserves? Heart. Melting. Because, yeah, this guy's got it bad, and does he ever have a lot of work to do before they can be together. Fortunately, Danika's got her own demons to slay, and watching them work through things, both together and separately, makes for some absolutely fantastic reading.

And did I mention their off-the-charts chemistry? No? Well, it is... :)

As sorry as I am to see this series end, Disturbing His Peace was one heck of a way to go. I can't wait to see where Ms. Bailey is going to take us next!

Rating: 4 1/2 stars / A

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. ( )
  beckymmoe | Apr 26, 2018 |
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She's got probable cause to make her move . . . Danika Silva can't stand Lt. Greer Burns. Her roommate's older brother may be sexy as hell, but he's also a cold, unfeeling robot. She just wants to graduate the police academy and forget about her scowling superior. But when a dangerous mistake lands Danika on probation-under Greer's watch-she's forced to interact with the big, hulking jerk. Call him daily to check in? Done. Ride shotgun in his cruiser every night? Done. Try not to climb into his giant, muscular lap and kiss him? Umm… Greer doesn't let anything-or anyone-distract him from the job. Except lately, all he can think about is Danika. He's wanted the beautiful, cocky recruit since the moment he saw her. But she's reckless and unpredictable, and Greer is painfully aware of what can happen when an officer doesn't follow the rules. Probation seemed like a good idea, but now Danika's scent is in his car and he's replayed her voicemails twenty times. Christ, he's a goner. Danika's melting Greer's stone-cold exterior one ride-along at a time. Being together could have serious consequences… but breaking a few rules never hurt anybody, right?

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