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Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University) par…

Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University) (édition 2024)

par Clarissa Wild (Auteur)

Séries: Spine Ridge University (3)

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They think they’re gods, but I will bring them to their knees. All I’ve ever known is how to be a good girl. My father called me his little jewel. I was the promise of a better life for us all. So I studied hard and treated everyone kindly, just like he’d taught me. Until I witnessed three vile boys kill. Ares, Caleb, and Blaine from the Tartarus House at Spine Ridge University. Devilish, hedonistic, ruthless guys determined to break me. They’re self-proclaimed gods of their own purgatory, and they won’t rest until I’ve been silenced. Their wicked games drive me insane. What they crave is my submission on a silver platter. And when they threaten my mother’s life, I finally agree to let them own me. Their filth is overpowering, and my body is corrupted in every way possible. Debauchery is what they’re good at, burning every inch of my soul until there’s nothing left but hatred for how good they make it feel … hatred for how badly they make me yearn them. But I will use this hatred against them…Turn it into a weapon of vengeance…Turn it into a weapon of vengeance… --.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University)
Auteurs:Clarissa Wild (Auteur)
Info:Independently published (2024), 535 pages
Collections:Lus mais non possédés

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Vile Boys (Spine Ridge University) par Clarissa Wild


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They think they’re gods, but I will bring them to their knees. All I’ve ever known is how to be a good girl. My father called me his little jewel. I was the promise of a better life for us all. So I studied hard and treated everyone kindly, just like he’d taught me. Until I witnessed three vile boys kill. Ares, Caleb, and Blaine from the Tartarus House at Spine Ridge University. Devilish, hedonistic, ruthless guys determined to break me. They’re self-proclaimed gods of their own purgatory, and they won’t rest until I’ve been silenced. Their wicked games drive me insane. What they crave is my submission on a silver platter. And when they threaten my mother’s life, I finally agree to let them own me. Their filth is overpowering, and my body is corrupted in every way possible. Debauchery is what they’re good at, burning every inch of my soul until there’s nothing left but hatred for how good they make it feel … hatred for how badly they make me yearn them. But I will use this hatred against them…Turn it into a weapon of vengeance…Turn it into a weapon of vengeance… --.

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