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K13 Remembered: An untold Story

par Keith Hall

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The British submarine, K13, was due to leave the Fairfield yard in Govan on the River Clyde, for her final acceptance trials at 0800 Monday 29th January 1917. On board were 80 men, both naval personnel and civilian contractors. A problem with one of the mooring wires caused a delay and she had only traveled a mile down the river when the submarine to ground at Whiteinch, Despite this she reached the Gareloch by 11:30 and carried out various tests that were required as part of the acceptance program. After the diving trial her engineer, Lieutenant Arthur Lane, reported that there was a small leak in the boiler room, he suggested a further short dive to determine the source of the leakAs the submarine dived the aft compartments of the submarine flooded and it sank. 32 crew members and contractors lost their lives, 48 were saved. It is the worst ever British submarine accident, conversely, despite the lost of life, it remains the most successful submarine rescue everThe Board of Inquiry laid the blame for the accident solely on Lt Arthur Lane, the vessel's engineer. The book will provide an in-depth analysis of the sinking of the K 13 in the Gare Loch. It will offer a different perspective on the accident, a view that calls into question the legitimacy and accuracy of the Board of Inquiry's findings and verdict. The investigations and conclusions that lead to this interpretation are based on detailed examination of archived records, personal accounts and in-depth analysis of the evidence.… (plus d'informations)

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The British submarine, K13, was due to leave the Fairfield yard in Govan on the River Clyde, for her final acceptance trials at 0800 Monday 29th January 1917. On board were 80 men, both naval personnel and civilian contractors. A problem with one of the mooring wires caused a delay and she had only traveled a mile down the river when the submarine to ground at Whiteinch, Despite this she reached the Gareloch by 11:30 and carried out various tests that were required as part of the acceptance program. After the diving trial her engineer, Lieutenant Arthur Lane, reported that there was a small leak in the boiler room, he suggested a further short dive to determine the source of the leakAs the submarine dived the aft compartments of the submarine flooded and it sank. 32 crew members and contractors lost their lives, 48 were saved. It is the worst ever British submarine accident, conversely, despite the lost of life, it remains the most successful submarine rescue everThe Board of Inquiry laid the blame for the accident solely on Lt Arthur Lane, the vessel's engineer. The book will provide an in-depth analysis of the sinking of the K 13 in the Gare Loch. It will offer a different perspective on the accident, a view that calls into question the legitimacy and accuracy of the Board of Inquiry's findings and verdict. The investigations and conclusions that lead to this interpretation are based on detailed examination of archived records, personal accounts and in-depth analysis of the evidence.

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