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Room at the Top: A Pacific Avenue Series Novel

par Kristin Billerbeck

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"Sophia Campelli likes the structure of her predictable life in a rundown Victorian house in the San Francisco neighborhood of North Beach. She's always told herself her father can keep his wealth and his acknowledgement of her and her twin sister. She's surrounded by her noisy but lovable Italian family, and that's all she needs. When she and Gia receive the news their fraternal grandfather has left them something in his will, they meet their three half-sisters for the first time--and receive the astounding news of a massive inheritance. But Sophia can't celebrate yet, not when she and her sisters hear the conditions attached to the money. The "real" daughters loathe Sophia and Gia on sight--and the feeling is mutual. But they have to work together if any of them hope to inherit the obscene amount of money left to them. They must live together and restore the large mansion in Pacific Heights for an entire year. Otherwise the entire estate will go to charity. Gia tries to convince Sophia they have to walk away, but Sophia isn't so sure. For once, their mother might get a chance to rest instead of working every minute. She could help a lot of families in her job as a social worker too. It's tempting. And once she catches sight of Joel Edgerton, she can't resist the temptation to get involved in her unwanted family. The path to happily-ever-after is fraught with missteps and the treacherous waters of sisterly undercurrents. Can Sophia persevere when everyone seems to be against her, even her own twin?"-- Amazon.… (plus d'informations)
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"Sophia Campelli likes the structure of her predictable life in a rundown Victorian house in the San Francisco neighborhood of North Beach. She's always told herself her father can keep his wealth and his acknowledgement of her and her twin sister. She's surrounded by her noisy but lovable Italian family, and that's all she needs. When she and Gia receive the news their fraternal grandfather has left them something in his will, they meet their three half-sisters for the first time--and receive the astounding news of a massive inheritance. But Sophia can't celebrate yet, not when she and her sisters hear the conditions attached to the money. The "real" daughters loathe Sophia and Gia on sight--and the feeling is mutual. But they have to work together if any of them hope to inherit the obscene amount of money left to them. They must live together and restore the large mansion in Pacific Heights for an entire year. Otherwise the entire estate will go to charity. Gia tries to convince Sophia they have to walk away, but Sophia isn't so sure. For once, their mother might get a chance to rest instead of working every minute. She could help a lot of families in her job as a social worker too. It's tempting. And once she catches sight of Joel Edgerton, she can't resist the temptation to get involved in her unwanted family. The path to happily-ever-after is fraught with missteps and the treacherous waters of sisterly undercurrents. Can Sophia persevere when everyone seems to be against her, even her own twin?"-- Amazon.

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