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Full, Full, Full of Love par Trish Cooke

Full, Full, Full of Love (édition 2008)

par Trish Cooke (Auteur), Paul Howard (Illustrateur)

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For young Jay Jay, Sunday dinner at Gran's house is full of hugs and kisses, tasty dishes, all kinds of fishes, happy faces, and love.
Titre:Full, Full, Full of Love
Auteurs:Trish Cooke (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Paul Howard (Illustrateur)
Info:Candlewick (2008), Edition: Illustrated, 32 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:family, diversity, love, mother's love

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Full, Full, Full of Love par Trish Cooke


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Book shows great family dynamic. I think this book would be amazing to have in my future classroom. ( )
  _Mayrita1 | Feb 26, 2022 |
This book shows great family dynamic of how some family will come together to enjoy company together, it can be a book to introduce to students about learning practice (to a certain extent) ( )
  DidnaPaz | Feb 11, 2022 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
I liked this poetry book for a few reasons. Full, Full, Full of love is about a young boy, Jay Jay, who goes to his Grannie’s for Sunday dinner, but food isn’t the only thing he gets out of his time with Grannie. The first reason I like this book is because of the rhyming. I never really enjoyed poetry unless it rhymed. For example, Jay Jay recites the rhyming dinner menu by saying “There were buttery peas, chicken and yams, macaroni and cheese, potatoes and ham. Biscuits, gravy, collard greens, pasta salad, rice and red beans! There was apple pie and vanilla ice cream, fresh peach cobbler covered in steam, raspberry sauce, coffee and tea—plenty for everybody!” I like how the narrator rhymed the dinner menu because it shows how much of a big deal the food at Grannie’s Sunday dinner is. Another reason I like this book is because of the illustrations. The illustrations in this book enhance the story by giving the reader a picture of Jay Jay’s family. For example, when all the extended family arrives at Grannie’s for dinner, the illustrations capture the expressions of the adults and the children’s smiling faces. Lastly, I enjoyed this book because of Jay Jay’s well-developed character. He most definitely portrays a young child as he is constantly asking questions that most younger children do. For example, he asked his Grannie if dinner was ready multiple times. Every time Jay Jay asked, “is dinner ready now?” Grannie would shake her head and Jay Jay would ask “is dinner ready NOW?” I think the big message of this story is that family is important and to be grateful for the family you do have. ( )
  hmorri10 | Apr 30, 2020 |
Full, Full Full of Love is about a young African American boy who goes to his granny's house for Sunday Dinner Jay Jay looked at fish, knocked over some candy, and kept asking Is dinner ready yet?" His grandmother entertains him, and puts a huge meal on the table. Lots of relatives came. The long list of menu items is in rhyme so part of this book can be used for rhyming or for sorting foods, making a shopping list or other food related items, Tier II words include cuddles, clatter, grin, and plenty.
  cbdonnelly | Aug 17, 2019 |
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Trish Cookeauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Howard, PaulIllustrateurauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
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For young Jay Jay, Sunday dinner at Gran's house is full of hugs and kisses, tasty dishes, all kinds of fishes, happy faces, and love.

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