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Saint Richard Parker: His search for love…

Saint Richard Parker: His search for love and enlightenment across India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia (édition 2023)

par Merlin Franco (Auteur)

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Titre:Saint Richard Parker: His search for love and enlightenment across India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia
Auteurs:Merlin Franco (Auteur)
Info:Merlin Franco (2023), 366 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Saint Richard Parker: His search for love and enlightenment across India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia par Merlin Franco


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I was sold on this book on the author bio alone. Franco is incredibly creative. This is an exciting book. I liked the concept that we may feel like we know where we belong and cling to that, but our idea of belonging is fragile. Finding our place in the world comes with finding ourselves.

Franco skillfully brings to light the tumultuous journey of life, with the character of Richard Parker serving as a beacon of personal growth. Despite the hardships, uncertainties, and struggles that mark his journey, Richard's resilience is unwavering as he navigates from one destination to another, never losing sight of the importance of his journey.

Richard, at first, seems like he's full of himself, almost entitled to the next big step in his life, finding faith initially as something to elevate himself rather than find himself (even when finding enlightenment, he goes full-blown into wanting sainthood), but over time and travel he is humbled and is instead guided by a sense of something bigger than he is. ( )
  Dollyy | Sep 2, 2024 |
A humorous adventure across Southeast Asia, along with a search for enlightenment. After Richard Parker loses his job, he is lost, floundering. He seeks advice, and is told to search for it in the East. So, he travels to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, among other locales. While in all these places, he joins Tinder, and goes to "spas" in search of sexual enlightenment. But, he realizes that enlightenment won't come from sexual relations, but rather from spirituality.
He has some very odd adventures, meets many people, and has lots of interesting meals. Some of the dialog and interactions are quite humorous. ( )
  rmarcin | Aug 10, 2024 |
Saint Richard Parker: His Search for Love and Enlightenment across India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia by Merlin Franco is a whimsical and highly entertaining novel about one man's search for love and spirituality which will stay with you long after you have turned the last page. This light-hearted and humorous story adeptly intertwines culture, and economics, with politics, travel and food, providing a scintillating mix of complex themes which will entertain and inspire readers.

Richard Parker is a man on a mission of self-discovery, whose trials and tribulations from losing his job and reputation to finding love are captivatingly chronicled in this easily relatable and engaging tale. Our protagonist forms unique bonds with inspiring, mostly female characters across the continent and a series of misadventures propels him to take stock of the struggles he encounters and whether his journey will deliver the cloak of sainthood he's desirous of.

An exceptionally, entertaining and thought-provoking read. ( )
  hTimSs6 | Aug 8, 2024 |
In Saint Richard Parker, Merlin Franco takes readers on a humorous and enlightening journey through Southeast Asia, following the escapades of Richard Parker, a businessman turned seeker of love and spiritual truth.

Richard's life changes a lot after he loses his job and gets accused of things that ruin his career. He decides he needs to find a deeper meaning in life, so he travels to India, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia in search of enlightenment. During his journey, he meets strange people and faces weird problems, like avoiding a scary witch named Isakki and her big buffaloes.

Saint Richard Parker is a funny and interesting story about travel in Southeast Asia. Franco’s writing is full of humor, memorable characters, and a keen eye for life’s funny moments, making it a great choice for anyone who enjoys adventure and deep thoughts. ( )
  Stanloy | Jul 8, 2024 |
‘Writing is a refuge. When the world betrays us, we authors find asylum in our literary realms’

Born in India, author Merlin Franco earned his PhD in Ethnobiology, leading to his volume ETHNOBOTANY OF THE MOUNTAIN REGIONS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA, while his observations of contemporary life – and challenges - have produced novels A DOWRYLESS WEDDING and now SAINT RICHARD PARKER. He lives in Malaysian Borneo.

A remarkably skillful writer with a gift for creating a spellbinding journey through parts of the globe that offer a refreshing vantage for spiritual observations as well as intoxicating experiences, Franco pens this novel through the eyes of businessman/investigative journalist Richard Parker as he turns ill fortune into a journey through Southeast Asia (under the advice of an astrologer) in a series of entertaining and endearing escapades that provide his path to self discovery and meaningful love.

In addition to the pure entertainment of Richard Parker’s approach to discovering enlightenment - the meaning of life – this sparkling book invites exploration of the beauties of India, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia with both an aura of visual wonders peppered with satire, wit and candor. His travelogue allows insights into social mores and conundrums, and the result is a tale that not only entertains, but also informs. We learn along with Richard Parker – and the experience is most satisfying. Very highly recommended. ( )
  Carrieax | Jul 4, 2024 |
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