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Cottages, Cabins, and Unique Retreats

par Editors of Fine Homebuilding

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"Smaller = Smarter. Smaller homes like cabins and cottages are becoming more popular due to economic factors, smaller family sizes, tighter building lots, and the desire to use fewer natural resources and build sustainably. These days, builders and designers alike are getting creative and employing all their best tricks to help homeowners get the most out of their small spaces, whether they be part of a primary residence or weekend vacation home. Cottages, Cabins, and Unique Retreats features useful and beautiful small spaces that are built to fit the lifestyles and aspirations of their homeowners. Get inspired and enjoy the design styles and construction types showcased here in hundreds of beautiful photographs. With each turn of the page, you'll be captivated by gorgeous photographs of inspiring, exciting small spaces. The featured authors focus on homes both new and remodeled, urban and rural, traditional and modern, and even a few quirky spaces like nooks, butler's pantries, and attic offices."--provided by… (plus d'informations)

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"Smaller = Smarter. Smaller homes like cabins and cottages are becoming more popular due to economic factors, smaller family sizes, tighter building lots, and the desire to use fewer natural resources and build sustainably. These days, builders and designers alike are getting creative and employing all their best tricks to help homeowners get the most out of their small spaces, whether they be part of a primary residence or weekend vacation home. Cottages, Cabins, and Unique Retreats features useful and beautiful small spaces that are built to fit the lifestyles and aspirations of their homeowners. Get inspired and enjoy the design styles and construction types showcased here in hundreds of beautiful photographs. With each turn of the page, you'll be captivated by gorgeous photographs of inspiring, exciting small spaces. The featured authors focus on homes both new and remodeled, urban and rural, traditional and modern, and even a few quirky spaces like nooks, butler's pantries, and attic offices."--provided by

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