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Animorphs #24: The Suspicion par K A…

Animorphs #24: The Suspicion (édition 1998)

par K A Applegate (Auteur)

Séries: Animorphs (24)

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Cassie and the other Animorphs have a few little problems. A few very little problems. Actually, the problems call themselves Helmacrons. They're less than an inch tall, and they're pretty upset at Cassie. They believe she stole their ship. Cassie thought it was just a toy and gave it to charity. Now the Helmacrons want it back. So the Animorphs have a new dilemma. Because the Helmacrons have their own secret weapon: They can shrink other beings down to their size. And if they don't get their ship back soon, everyone on the planet is in for a little surprise...… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Animorphs #24: The Suspicion
Auteurs:K A Applegate (Auteur)
Info:Apple Paperbacks (1998), 176 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Le soupçon par K. A. Applegate


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A breeze to read. Not terribly strong in the plot department, but fun ( )
  chuff | Feb 28, 2022 |
An exceptionally unhinged installment. ( )
  mutantpudding | Dec 26, 2021 |
Fun fluff series that gets less and less fluff over time. ( )
  wetdryvac | Mar 2, 2021 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Ridiculous premise, but amusing anyway. The Animorphs team encounters a new type of alien- tiny little things that haughtily declare their superiority and intentions to take over the world (they're offended when they find out the Yeerks are already trying to do so) and everyone scoffs at them until the little aliens get hold of the blue box that contains the morphing technology, and use it to shrink others, so they can overpower them. Most of the storyline is Cassie and Marco experiencing what it's like to be a creature small enough to see individual cells (because they shrink again from being quarter-inch-high humans to being literally microscopic when they morph into flies) while they and the others try to thwart the tiny aliens and retrieve the blue box. Crazy ridiculous chase scene involving a speeding limousine and a toy-sized flying spaceship, while normal traffic seems to notice nothing. Pretty clever how Cassie and Marco redirected the aliens' attention onto their enemy Visser Three. Odd closing scene where the Visser had them in his power but the standoff resulting in each side giving up the others they held captive. Which means the struggle can continue, I suppose. The cover shows Cassie morphing into an anteater- the new animal acquired in this book- but it happened at the very end, and although solved their problem with the tiny aliens, there wasn't really much about experiencing that animal form. Which is what I've previously liked about this series, but oh well.

from the Dogear Diary ( )
  jeane | Jul 21, 2019 |
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ISBN 0590762575 is for The Suspicion. The Pretender listed in Editions has the wrong ISBN.
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

Cassie and the other Animorphs have a few little problems. A few very little problems. Actually, the problems call themselves Helmacrons. They're less than an inch tall, and they're pretty upset at Cassie. They believe she stole their ship. Cassie thought it was just a toy and gave it to charity. Now the Helmacrons want it back. So the Animorphs have a new dilemma. Because the Helmacrons have their own secret weapon: They can shrink other beings down to their size. And if they don't get their ship back soon, everyone on the planet is in for a little surprise...

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