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Powered by Me: From Burned Out to Fully Charged at Work and in Life

par Neha Sangwan

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Burnout isn't a personal failure. It's a wake-up call. This global epidemic is not merely a case of working too hard or feeling physically exhausted for an extended period of time. According to physician, executive coach, and speaker Neha Sangwan-an expert empowering corporate leaders and organizational teams to excel under pressure-burnout is due to prolonged stress and an ongoing net drain of energy on one or more of five levels: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. When we burn out, our productivity suffers, our health declines, and we're more reactive in our relationships. Not having the resources to handle challenging circumstances, address conflict, or maintain healthy boundaries worsens stress and dysfunction in our professional and personal lives. In this book, Dr. Sangwan explains in simple terms the overwhelming experience of burnout, and offers an awareness prescription that helps you determine on which of the five levels-physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual-burnout is occurring for you. Once you identify your biggest energy drains, she equips you with powerful tools that enable you to replenish your energy and take practical steps toward healing. Along the way, you'll expand your awareness, elevate your mindset, communicate with clarity, and align your decision-making with what matters most.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté partedolsen, BrianFipp

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Burnout isn't a personal failure. It's a wake-up call. This global epidemic is not merely a case of working too hard or feeling physically exhausted for an extended period of time. According to physician, executive coach, and speaker Neha Sangwan-an expert empowering corporate leaders and organizational teams to excel under pressure-burnout is due to prolonged stress and an ongoing net drain of energy on one or more of five levels: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. When we burn out, our productivity suffers, our health declines, and we're more reactive in our relationships. Not having the resources to handle challenging circumstances, address conflict, or maintain healthy boundaries worsens stress and dysfunction in our professional and personal lives. In this book, Dr. Sangwan explains in simple terms the overwhelming experience of burnout, and offers an awareness prescription that helps you determine on which of the five levels-physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual-burnout is occurring for you. Once you identify your biggest energy drains, she equips you with powerful tools that enable you to replenish your energy and take practical steps toward healing. Along the way, you'll expand your awareness, elevate your mindset, communicate with clarity, and align your decision-making with what matters most.

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