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Chargement... Le Conte d'hiver (1623)par William Shakespeare
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Inscrivez-vous à LibraryThing pour découvrir si vous aimerez ce livre Actuellement, il n'y a pas de discussions au sujet de ce livre. My least favorite Shakespearean play of those I've read so far. It bored me, although it may be more that the romance subgenre of the comedies bores me. I'll try it again eventually, though. ( ) This is not one of the big hits by Big Bill, but it still has charms. In spite of being set on "The Seacoast of Bohemia", and containing the amusing stage direction "Exit, pursued by a bear" there is a good deal to be gained by a reading but even more by a performance. I've read it seven times. there is a king, who has lost his wife and daughter. A lady of the court as concealed the queen, and insured the daughter will be brought up by a reputable shepherd. Eventually, all are happily reunited. the play is brought into the shalespeare canon by 1624, but seems to have been written about 1611. In spite of not really understanding about half the dialog, this play moved me as none of the other comedies of Shakespeare have. I was so angry with Leontes! Cheering for Paulina! Horrified at the tragic aspects of the tale, and surprised at the twist in the end. I look forward to seeing this one performed. I read this due to fond memories (of reading it closely at St. Johns) and because the Shakespeare theatre (in dc) is using this place as material for its annual court case with supreme court judge and other fancy people. I believe the trial will be of Paulina, who conceals Hermione's death after the bad king Leontes falsely accuses her of adultery with his best friend. Still have fondness for this and i am open to the Winter's tale aspect (wild tale / unrealistic but to make a strong fairy tale type point) but still... the outlandishness of it did not wear well overall. No reason given for crazy jealousy, just zero to ten in anger all of the sudden and from that the deaths and tragedy all flow. but not tragedy, right? as the characters are sort of bailed out in the end. Stil... not quite the best. aucune critique | ajouter une critique
Appartient à la série éditorialeEst contenu dansThe complete works of William Shakespeare : reprinted from the First Folio (volume 5 of 13) par William Shakespeare The Annotated Shakespeare: The Comedies, Histories, Sonnets and Other Poems, Tragedies and Romances Complete par William Shakespeare (indirect) Shakespeares Dramatische Werke zehnter Band: Cymbeline, Das Wintermärchen, Der Sturm, Shakespeares Leben par William Shakespeare The Norton Shakespeare: Four-Volume Set par Stephen Greenblatt (indirect) The Norton Shakespeare: Two Volume Set par William Shakespeare (indirect) Fait l'objet d'une ré-écriture dansFait l'objet d'une adaptation dansA été inspiré parA inspiréContient une étude deContient un commentaire de texte deContient un guide de lecture pour étudiantListes notables
Extrait :""ARCHIDAMUS : Si le sort veut, Camillo, que vous visitiez la Bohe me pour une raison de service comme celle qui me tient ici sur pied, vous verrez, ainsi que je vous l'ai dit, une grande diffe rence entre notre Bohe me et votre Sicile. CAMILLO : Je crois que, l'e te prochain, le roi de Sicile a l'intention de rendre a son fre re de Bohe me la visite qu'il lui doit justement."" Aucune description trouvée dans une bibliothèque |
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Google Books — Chargement... GenresClassification décimale de Melvil (CDD)822.33Literature English English drama Elizabethan 1558-1625 Shakespeare, William 1564–1616Classification de la Bibliothèque du CongrèsÉvaluationMoyenne:
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