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Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst (An Anastasia…

Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst (An Anastasia Krupnik story) (original 1984; édition 1984)

par Lois Lowry (Auteur)

Séries: Anastasia Krupnik (4)

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557744,933 (3.77)5
Anastasia's seventh-grade science project becomes almost more than she can handle, but her brother Sam, age three, and a bust of Freud, aid her nobly.
Titre:Anastasia, Ask Your Analyst (An Anastasia Krupnik story)
Auteurs:Lois Lowry (Auteur)
Info:Clarion Books (1984), Edition: F First Edition, 128 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Anastasia, demande à ton psy par Lois Lowry (Author) (1984)


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» Voir aussi les 5 mentions

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Still fun and funny, but the first one was the best. ( )
  Alishadt | Feb 25, 2023 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Another quick, fun, occasionally hilarious visit with Anastasia Krupnik. Anastasia has hit first stage adolescence, and with it the requisite loathing of her parents. She decides she needs psychoanalysis to get over this, but her (horrid) parents won't pay for it, so she buys a bust of Sigmund Freud at a garage sale and discusses her problems with him. She also has acquired two gerbils much to her mother's chagrin. And it turns out both were pregnant, so she soon has eleven gerbils, and she's not happy with them either. Meanwhile, Sam is dealing with a bully at nursery school.
(For some reason, this one was retitled "Anastasia, Off Her Rocker. Same book.) ( )
  fingerpost | Jul 22, 2019 |
Cute but not compelling. ( )
  satyridae | Apr 5, 2013 |
Anastasia acquires a couple of gerbils for her science project which soon turn into several more gerbils. About this same time, she realizes she is entering Stage One of adolescence: in which one's parents become horribly embarrassing. She purchases a bust of Freud at a garage sale, and he helps her through this awkward time.
Amazingly realistic as well as enormously funny, Anastasia continues to be an entertaining read, even for an adult. ( )
  EmScape | Jan 18, 2010 |
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For the child in Nebraska
who wrote and suggested
that the Krupniks should have pets,
and Sam should have
a friend
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Anastasia's seventh-grade science project becomes almost more than she can handle, but her brother Sam, age three, and a bust of Freud, aid her nobly.

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Moyenne: (3.77)
2 5
2.5 1
3 18
3.5 5
4 25
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5 14

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