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The Little Liar: A Novel par Mitch Albom

The Little Liar: A Novel (original 2023; édition 2023)

par Mitch Albom (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
4051564,809 (4.48)6
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Beloved bestselling author Mitch Albom returns with a powerful novel that moves from a coastal Greek city during the Holocaust, to America, where the intertwined lives of three survivors are forever changed by the perils of deception and the grace of redemption.

Eleven-year-old Nico Krispis never told a lie. When the Nazi's invade his home in Salonika, Greece, the trustworthy boy is discovered by a German officer, who offers him a chance to save his family. All Nico has to do is convince his fellow Jewish residents to board trains heading to "new homes" where they are promised jobs and safety. Unaware that this is all a cruel ruse, the innocent boy goes to the station platform every day and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. But when the final train is at the station, Nico sees his family being loaded into a large boxcar crowded with other neighbors. Only after it is too late does Nico discover that he helped send the people he lovedand all the othersto their doom at Auschwitz.

Nico never tells the truth again.

In The Little Liar, his first novel set during the Holocaust, Mitch Albom interweaves the stories of Nico, his brother Sebastian, and their schoolmate Fanni, who miraculously survive the death camps and spend years searching for Nico, who has become a pathological liar, and the Nazi officer who radically changed their lives. As the decades pass, Albom reveals the consequences of what they said, did, and endured.

A moving parable that explores honesty, survival, revenge and devotion, The Little Liar is Mitch Albom at his very best. Narrated by the voice of Truth itself, it is a timeless story about the harm we inflict with our deceits, and the power of love to ultimately redeem us.

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Little Liar: A Novel
Auteurs:Mitch Albom (Auteur)
Info:Harper (2023), 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Little Liar par Mitch Albom (2023)


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» Voir aussi les 6 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 13 (suivant | tout afficher)
old from the unique observations of God's Angel of Truth, this is a harrowing story of four individuals in the years leading up to and including WWII and the decades following. There are moments of great heartache, interspersed with times of burgeoning hope. Their stories are intimately individual and yet intertwined to give the reader a perspective of their inner thoughts and motivations. Mitch Albom has perfectly captured the worst of history when man's inhumanity is fully revealed, and yet there are moments of sacrifice and kindness that offset the horrors. I am in awe of and grateful for an author who fully captures this experience. This is a memorable book. ( )
  pdebolt | Jul 17, 2024 |
If it’s important for you to get the real story of the Holocaust,you should read this book. No holds barred and the true story told like it really happened. There’s no glamour here. Just the bald facts, told in the voice of Truth. Who will argue with that? This is a story of guilt and redemption, of hate and forgiveness, of good against evil—no holds barred and no punches spared, told in an upfront manner. This is a story of four people and their view of the war they lived through—WWII. Two are Jewish brothers who each experienced a different war- one in Auschwitz and one on the run trying to find his family. One is a Jewish girl who lost her family, and one is a Nazi SS agent whose sole goal in life is to eliminate all Jews. The story covers 40 years from 1941 to 1980. What do these people do, how do they cope and what are the ultimate results of what they each experienced? The prose is exquisite as Mitch Albom explores his characters in depth. He tells the story through the eyes of Truth and Truth is the narrator. Truth says “A voice that can tell you how a lie told once is easy to expose, but a lie told a thousand times can look like the truth and destroy the world.” The Truth knows all, and keeps its council. Everyone must search to find the truth and, once found, proclaim it to the world. I loved this book with a passion, and it is one that explains the horror of the Nazis and their view of the world like nothing I’ve read before. A monumental book with a monumental story to tell. Highly recommend. ( )
  Romonko | Jun 19, 2024 |
young Jewish boy in Solonika Greece, is known for never telling a lie. He is conned by a Nazi officer to tell the people being deported that they are just being resettled. He sees he was duped when his family is put on the train. after that he never tells the truth.
book is about forgiveness and truth. ( )
  evatkaplan | Jun 6, 2024 |
The Little Liar by Mitch Albom, is very good. Another WWII book, but it delved into an area I hadn't heard about. It begins in Salonika, Greece where a large Jewish population lived. It follows two Jewish brothers, Nico and Sebastian, their friend Fannie, and Udo Graf a Nazi officer. Simple events entwine the 4 for decades. I liked narrator in the story. ( )
  cjyap1 | Apr 4, 2024 |
Where do I begin with this little book about a liar? From start to finish it was amazing. I couldn't read for hours at a time due to the subject matter of the Holocaust, but in small doses it was fantastic. I do not want to describe the plot at all except to say the angel of truth is the first person narrator which lends an air of fairytale, but it is far from being a magical imagining from Albom's mind. The setting is World War II. Real people like actress Katalin Karady and real events like the rescue of families waiting to be shot by Arrow Cross are faithfully reproduced in Little Liar. The magic comes from Albom bringing all characters and events, factual and fictional, to life. The characters' human emotions come across loud and crystal clear and yet, like glass, there is a delicacy, a subtle nuance that haunts. Take, for example, how easily the small misunderstandings during childhood can quickly blossom into full blown adulthood hate. Lifelong passionate jealousies carried behind a vengeful ice cold exterior. It reminded me of the cold and heavy chains of Jacob Marley.
As an aside, what an interesting locale for Little Liar. When people speak of World War II and the Nazi regime not many people think of how the island of Greece weathered the atrocities. ( )
  SeriousGrace | Feb 20, 2024 |
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Albom, Mitchauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Bozic, MilanConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Smith, MarkArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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It is not your memories which haunt you.
It is not what you have written down.
It is what you have forgotten, what you must forget.
What you must go on forgetting all your life.

- JAMES FENTON, "A German Requiem"
Everything's gonna change, everything but the truth.

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For Eva and Solomon Nesser, and others who wore the numbers on their arms, and for all who still mourn them.
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"It's a lie."
The large man's voice was deep and hoarse.
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Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:

Beloved bestselling author Mitch Albom returns with a powerful novel that moves from a coastal Greek city during the Holocaust, to America, where the intertwined lives of three survivors are forever changed by the perils of deception and the grace of redemption.

Eleven-year-old Nico Krispis never told a lie. When the Nazi's invade his home in Salonika, Greece, the trustworthy boy is discovered by a German officer, who offers him a chance to save his family. All Nico has to do is convince his fellow Jewish residents to board trains heading to "new homes" where they are promised jobs and safety. Unaware that this is all a cruel ruse, the innocent boy goes to the station platform every day and reassures the passengers that the journey is safe. But when the final train is at the station, Nico sees his family being loaded into a large boxcar crowded with other neighbors. Only after it is too late does Nico discover that he helped send the people he lovedand all the othersto their doom at Auschwitz.

Nico never tells the truth again.

In The Little Liar, his first novel set during the Holocaust, Mitch Albom interweaves the stories of Nico, his brother Sebastian, and their schoolmate Fanni, who miraculously survive the death camps and spend years searching for Nico, who has become a pathological liar, and the Nazi officer who radically changed their lives. As the decades pass, Albom reveals the consequences of what they said, did, and endured.

A moving parable that explores honesty, survival, revenge and devotion, The Little Liar is Mitch Albom at his very best. Narrated by the voice of Truth itself, it is a timeless story about the harm we inflict with our deceits, and the power of love to ultimately redeem us.


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