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Zen And The Art Of Faking It par Jordan…

Zen And The Art Of Faking It (original 2007; édition 2010)

par Jordan Sonnenblick

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6163539,783 (3.74)34
When thirteen-year-old San Lee moves to a new town and school for the umpteenth time, he is looking for a way to stand out when his knowledge of Zen Buddhism, gained in his previous school, provides the answer--and the need to quickly become a convincing Zen master.
Titre:Zen And The Art Of Faking It
Auteurs:Jordan Sonnenblick
Info:Scholastic Paperbacks (2010), Mass Market Paperback, 272 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Zen And The Art Of Faking It par Jordan Sonnenblick (2007)


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» Voir aussi les 34 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 35 (suivant | tout afficher)
Wasnt expecting heavy stuff. Great read though :) ( )
  pickleroad | Nov 10, 2016 |
Ok, I'd been reading a lot of children's and YA lately, so I was getting a little burnt out when I picked this up. Or so I thought. I laughed out loud several times over the first pp, and then as the story got more intense, but was still funny, I loved it even more. The ending was just a teeny-tiny bit cliched, but still, wow, I now have a new favorite author. Sorry this isn't a more helpful review but it's a quick read, worth your time if you're at all interested, so go ahead, check it out. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
A fun story that moves at a brisk pace. San is a cool kid and so is his friend "Woody." With sufficient realism and cultural references to keep both adults and middle school kids interested, it is not too sappy, and not to heavy. Just right I'd say for 7-8th graders. ( )
  ndpmcIntosh | Mar 21, 2016 |
Fun book, though not laugh-out-loud hilarious. Good for fans of books like Carter Finally Gets It.

3.5 stars ( )
  AngelaCinVA | Dec 6, 2014 |
San Lee is an adopted Chinese kid trying to fit in to Middle School in the small town of Harrisonville, PA. His family has traveled around quite a bit and San tries to make it by becoming whatever personna will fit in... a surfer dude in California, a bible-thumper in Alabama. What will he be in this little town in Pennsylvania? When the social studies teacher introduces a chapter on Zen Buddhism, something he happened to cover previously in Texas, San gets an idea. Instead of blending in with everyone, he decides to stick out... by being a Zen "master". With a few well-researched quotes and his worn-out sandals, he "meditates" each morning on the rock in front of the school, hoping to impress a certain guitar-playing girl in his class. Will his charade be discovered? Read and see! Light-hearted, this is a good book for middle schoolers. 264 pages. ( )
  sgrame | Jun 2, 2014 |
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To My

darling bride,


who has the


of a Zen master
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Have you ever switched schools? I have , and let me tell you- a school is a school is a school.
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When thirteen-year-old San Lee moves to a new town and school for the umpteenth time, he is looking for a way to stand out when his knowledge of Zen Buddhism, gained in his previous school, provides the answer--and the need to quickly become a convincing Zen master.

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1 1
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