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The Hunter (The Preacher Series Book 2)

par Nathan Burrows

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What happens when a hunter becomes the hunted? Suzy and her daughter are on a bus, heading for London and safety. She knows her partner will be hunting them down. It's what he does for a living. He hunts people. But Suzy's plans go awry when armed robbers storm the bus on an isolated road and rob the passengers. She loses her entire savings - money she desperately needs to build a new life for herself and her daughter, far away from her psychotic partner. With the sound of approaching sirens in the distance, Suzy makes a split-second decision. She can't trust the police. She can't trust anyone. Penniless and terrified, she and her daughter run into the woods. It's the only thing they can do. But Suzy isn't the only passenger on the bus who's keen to avoid the authorities. Sitting behind her is a man in a robe. A preacher, moving from town to town. He's not been robbed as there's nothing in his cloth bag worth stealing. The man in the robe also leaves the bus, following Suzy and her daughter into the woods. As Suzy's partner closes in on them, Suzy discovers the man in the robe isn't just a roaming preacher. He is also a hunter, and prayer isn't his only weapon.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parNMSnyder, kitschnsink55

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What happens when a hunter becomes the hunted? Suzy and her daughter are on a bus, heading for London and safety. She knows her partner will be hunting them down. It's what he does for a living. He hunts people. But Suzy's plans go awry when armed robbers storm the bus on an isolated road and rob the passengers. She loses her entire savings - money she desperately needs to build a new life for herself and her daughter, far away from her psychotic partner. With the sound of approaching sirens in the distance, Suzy makes a split-second decision. She can't trust the police. She can't trust anyone. Penniless and terrified, she and her daughter run into the woods. It's the only thing they can do. But Suzy isn't the only passenger on the bus who's keen to avoid the authorities. Sitting behind her is a man in a robe. A preacher, moving from town to town. He's not been robbed as there's nothing in his cloth bag worth stealing. The man in the robe also leaves the bus, following Suzy and her daughter into the woods. As Suzy's partner closes in on them, Suzy discovers the man in the robe isn't just a roaming preacher. He is also a hunter, and prayer isn't his only weapon.

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Nathan Burrows est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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