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Sunbringer: A Novel (Fallen Gods, 2) par…

Sunbringer: A Novel (Fallen Gods, 2) (édition 2024)

par Hannah Kaner (Auteur)

Séries: Fallen Gods (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
329882,050 (3.89)1
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

"An epic fantasy odyssey." — Entertainment Weekly

"A richly rendered world . . . Kaner writes action that's both fun and intelligible." — The Washington Post

Return to the world of Godkiller in this thrilling sequel to the #1 internationally bestselling fantasy debut

When Middren falls to the gods, your kind will be the first to die.

Gods are forbidden in the kingdom of Middren—but now they are stirring, whispering of war. Godkiller Kissen sacrificed herself to vanquish the fire god Hseth, who murdered her family and endangered her friends. But gods cannot be destroyed so easily, and Hseth's power threatens to reform with even greater strength and a thirst for vengeance. As tensions rise throughout the land, the kingdom needs its Godkiller more than ever.

Still reeling from the loss of Kissen, young noble Inara and her little god of white lies, Skedi, have set out to discover more about the true nature of their bond. As the divide between gods and humans widens, Inara and Skedi will uncover secrets that could determine the fate of the war to come.

Meanwhile, Elogast, no longer a loyal knight of King Arren, has been tasked with killing the man he once called friend. The king vowed to eradicate all gods throughout the land, but has now entered into an unholy pact with the most dangerous of them all. And where his heart once beat, a god now burns. . .

"Will have you in its grasp from the first pages . . . An extraordinary journey." — Samantha Shannon, New York Times bestselling author of Priory of the Orange Tree, on Godkiller

"A triumph of storytelling." — Hannah Whitten, New York Times bestselling author of For the Wolf, on Godkiller

"A bone-rattling fantasy thriller that flies by in a breathtaking rush." — Joe Hill, #1 New York Times bestselling author, on Godkiller

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Sunbringer: A Novel (Fallen Gods, 2)
Auteurs:Hannah Kaner (Auteur)
Info:Harper Voyager (2024), 384 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Sunbringer par Hannah Kaner

Récemment ajouté parkelsieS, BravePrincess11, bibliothèque privée, Clevercasey, ExLibrisMT, saltmanz, Tina500, Musereader, 5msuoyevol, Mayhem_Nerd

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» Voir aussi la mention 1

Affichage de 1-5 de 8 (suivant | tout afficher)
Middle book syndrome with a very predictable plot. A real let down from the first book. ( )
  FrinoBaggins | Jul 15, 2024 |
Let's have some pillow talk because this book put me multiple times to sleep. (And Kissen* didn't even have that much screen time, fancy that, made my sleep even more uncomfortable ... )

This was bad even for a centre book, so much blah blah, with nothing really said, and all in the still overly pompous off-putting language the first book was already suffering from.
Had the first book still some story line going on which made me want to go on ready (despite the horrendous language), this one had nothing of this sort. Worse, it felt like as if a template was used, and all the points which a "traditional" fantasy story has to have were checked off. Which means that the story had no surprises and you knew exactly what would happen down the line.
The little character development that was there seemed to be forced because it had to fit the template as otherwise the story wouldn't be working any more.
Everything read stilted and lacked of emotions. None of the characters are likeable, but also not non-likeable because all of them were extremely bland this time around.

The longer I read the book, the more I have the feeling that the disabled characters were only added to be certain that the book would be able to be sold and find a publisher, as Ms Kaner's writing can't overcome the tired old formulated story line she was set on to use, to make it interesting and the book needed some kind of hook to be "special".

I ended up speed reading through it, in the hoped to find some redeeming parts (in all fairness, two or three chapters weren't half bad), and I still fell asleep plenty of times.
Was I still hopeful by the end of book 1 to go on reading, now I have to say, most likely not.

*Kissen = pillow in German ( )
  Black-Lilly | Jun 15, 2024 |
Once again this took a long time to get into (til page 250) - having over 4 POVs just kills the pacing and makes it feel disjointed. That being said, the world building is still great, I love the gods and what Inara is but I’m not sure if I will continue. ( )
  spiritedstardust | Jun 1, 2024 |
Not bad for the center of a trilogy. Lots of talk. Some real surprises. Definitely read but no need to linger. ( )
  Dokfintong | May 11, 2024 |
Things are definitely happening in this book! I loved seeing Inara and Skedi grow into their power, and Kissen have to deal with some challenges to her worldview. And seeing Elo in action as a military commander was sure something. I really liked the archives, and all the small gods, and seeing more of Yatho and Telle. And the ending... well, it's definitely the middle book of a trilogy! ( )
  lavaturtle | Apr 21, 2024 |
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Hannah Kanerauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Griffiths, KitNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:

"An epic fantasy odyssey." — Entertainment Weekly

"A richly rendered world . . . Kaner writes action that's both fun and intelligible." — The Washington Post

Return to the world of Godkiller in this thrilling sequel to the #1 internationally bestselling fantasy debut

When Middren falls to the gods, your kind will be the first to die.

Gods are forbidden in the kingdom of Middren—but now they are stirring, whispering of war. Godkiller Kissen sacrificed herself to vanquish the fire god Hseth, who murdered her family and endangered her friends. But gods cannot be destroyed so easily, and Hseth's power threatens to reform with even greater strength and a thirst for vengeance. As tensions rise throughout the land, the kingdom needs its Godkiller more than ever.

Still reeling from the loss of Kissen, young noble Inara and her little god of white lies, Skedi, have set out to discover more about the true nature of their bond. As the divide between gods and humans widens, Inara and Skedi will uncover secrets that could determine the fate of the war to come.

Meanwhile, Elogast, no longer a loyal knight of King Arren, has been tasked with killing the man he once called friend. The king vowed to eradicate all gods throughout the land, but has now entered into an unholy pact with the most dangerous of them all. And where his heart once beat, a god now burns. . .

"Will have you in its grasp from the first pages . . . An extraordinary journey." — Samantha Shannon, New York Times bestselling author of Priory of the Orange Tree, on Godkiller

"A triumph of storytelling." — Hannah Whitten, New York Times bestselling author of For the Wolf, on Godkiller

"A bone-rattling fantasy thriller that flies by in a breathtaking rush." — Joe Hill, #1 New York Times bestselling author, on Godkiller


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