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The Road from Belhaven: A novel par Margot…

The Road from Belhaven: A novel (édition 2024)

par Margot Livesey (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
956294,731 (3.74)13
"From the New York Times best-selling author of The Flight of Gemma Hardy, a novel about a young woman whose gift of second sight complicates her coming of age in late 19th century Scotland Growing up in the care of her grandparents on Belhaven farm, Lizzie Craig discovers at a young age that she can see into the future. Her gift of sight is selective-she doesn't, for instance, see that she has an older sister who will come to join the family on her beloved farm. But she does see "pictures" that foretell various incidents and accidents and begins to realize a painful truth: she may glimpse the future, but she can seldom change it. Nor can Lizzie change the feelings that come when a young man named Louis, visiting Belhaven for the harvest, begins to court her. Why have the adults around her not revealed that the touch of a hand can change everything? After following Louis to Glasgow, though, she learns the limits of his devotion, and when faced with a seemingly impossible choice, she makes what turns out to be a terrible mistake. But while Lizzie can't change the past, her second sight may allow her a second chance. Luminous and transporting, The Road from Belhaven once again displays "the marvelous control of a writer who conjures equally well the tangible, sensory world . . . and the mysteries, stranger and wilder, that flicker at the border of that world." (The Boston Globe)"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Road from Belhaven: A novel
Auteurs:Margot Livesey (Auteur)
Info:Knopf (2024), 272 pages
Collections:Fiction, Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:Harvard Bookstore, $29.00

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The Road from Belhaven par Margot Livesey


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This is the story of a girl growing up on a farm in Scotland in the 1880s, where she is being raised by her grandparents. She loves the farm and the farm animals with all of her heart and has a companion jackdaw and a steady friend in the hired boy. Lizzie does have one thing that sets her apart; sometimes she has brief visions of future events. But this story remains one about a girl growing up and of a young woman figuring out how to make her way in the world and how best to care for those she loves.

I saw a review calling this book "Anne of Green Gables for adults" and that's a pretty accurate description, honestly. This novel deals far more with the darker parts of farm life and of that time, the risks of death or injury, the financial precarity, the way that most people are struggling to get by and a single mistake can cost everything. Lizzie is pragmatic and resourceful, like all good protagonists. I enjoyed every single moment I was reading this excellent book. ( )
1 voter RidgewayGirl | Jul 7, 2024 |
Not much here. Girl grows up on Scottish farm in late 19th century. Gains some experience, goes to town, things don't work out as planned.

The 'pictures' are just a weird add-on, why bother with that? ( )
  kcshankd | Jun 16, 2024 |
Margot Livesey combines a mundane coming-of-age story with a bit (a very little bit) of magic in this novel. Her protagonist is Lizzy Craig. Lizzy was orphaned as an infant and raised by her grandparents on a rural farm in Scotland. She is naïve but also can be quite resourceful when the situation calls for it. She expects to inherit the farm after the passing of her grandparents. She envisages getting married, raising a family, and living happily ever after on the farm. Of course, that wouldn’t be much of a story, so Livesey introduces a long-lost sister, Kate, into the mix. Kate, not Lizzy, ends up with all of those perks. Lizzy’s fate provides what little suspense there is to be had in the plot. Suffice it to say, it provides hard lessons in the loss of innocence, and betrayal while also leaving some space for redemption.

The magic in Livesey’s novel derives from Lizzy’s gift of second sight. Ever since childhood, she sees “pictures” that foretell future events, most of which warn of shattering events. One might expect this plot element to provide the impetus to elevate the story from the mundane to the magical. Unfortunately, Livesey fails to take full advantage of it. Instead, she just uses it move the plot pieces around a little. As a result, the reader is left with an interesting and atmospheric story, but one that is quite common. Clearly, the questions of how inevitable events Lizzy sees will be, or if she can prevent them from happening are intriguing. In light of the religious argument of predestination vs. free will that is so common in the Calvinist religious tradition prevalent in Scotland, one senses a squandered opportunity here.

Notwithstanding its shortcomings, Livesey’s narrative clearly demonstrates her prowess. The writing is both lyrical and evocative. Imagery of rural and urban Scottish life in the 19th-century is quite effective. The characters are engaging, nuanced and well-drawn. And the plot is absorbing, especially when events force Lizzy to respond imaginatively. ( )
1 voter ozzer | Mar 25, 2024 |
Set in the 1880s, The Road from Belhaven by Margot Livesey revolves around Lizzie Craig who we meet as a young orphan growing up in the care of her maternal grandparents Rab and Flora on Belhaven Farm, in rural Scotland. Lizzie is gifted with second sight – the “pictures” she envisions that are indicative of future events - visions that come to her infrequently but know to mostly keep to herself. Lizzie loves to read and is a curious child. Hers is mostly a happy childhood with her life with her loving grandparents, in the company of the farm animals, her books and school, and their farmhand Hugh who eventually moves to Glasgow in search of better opportunities. Lizzie is surprised to find out that she has an older sister Kate who has been raised by their paternal grandparents. When Kate comes to live with them. Lizzie’s life slowly begins to change. Lizzie begins to dream of a life with new opportunities – a life she is encouraged to embark on when a young man named Louis enters her life. Unbeknownst to Lizzie, the consequences of her choices will not only irrevocably change her own life but could also fracture the relationships she holds dear.

I loved the premise of this novel and was engrossed in the first half of the story. The author’s description of Belhaven Farm, life in rural Scotland with its customs and traditions, and Lizzie’s curiosity and love for reading were a joy to read. But my enthusiasm for this novel dampened as the narrative veered toward a predictable trajectory with stereotypical characters and though I could sympathize with Lizzie’s plight, I began to lose interest in her story. As we follow Lizzie’s transition from a sheltered farm girl to a young woman finding her own way in the city, I felt as though I was reading about a completely different person in the second half of the novel. While most of the characters were well thought out and realistic, the changes in Lizzie are often abrupt, unexplored and her motivations are difficult to understand. Her choices are questionable, her behavior uncharacteristic at times, and while I won’t judge her, I would have liked the opportunity to understand her motivations. I usually enjoy quiet character-driven fiction with minimal melodrama, but I thought the latter half of this coming-of-age story lacked emotional depth. As a plot point, the magical realism aspect- Lizzie’s gift - was not explored in depth or integral to the overall plot in the way it could have been. Overall, I thought the story had potential and it pains me to be unable to give this novel a higher rating.

Many thanks to Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage, and Anchor for the digital review copy via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. ( )
  srms.reads | Mar 19, 2024 |
Lizzie lives with her grandparents on Belhaven Farm; her parents are dead, and she's surprised to learn she has an older sister, Kate, who comes to live with them after the death of another relative. Kate's suitor, Callum, begins to court the farm as well, although he buts heads with the girls' grandfather, Rab, who is stuck in his ways and refuses to try anything new on the farm. Nevertheless, Kate and Callum marry and begin producing children; meanwhile, Lizzie is growing up, and when she meets Louis, a tailor's apprentice in Glasgow, he lures her to the city, where she finds work. Louis lures her into more, Lizzie not realizing the consequences until it's too late, and Louis refusing to marry her until his apprenticeship is up. Lizzie returns to the farm and has Barbara, but her "pictures" - visions of the future that have appeared to her throughout her life and have always proved prophetic - warn her that Louis will stray without her there, so she returns, leaving Barbara with her grandmother, Flora. But in Lizzie's absence, Flora gives Barbara to schoolteacher Miss Urquhart, and Lizzie becomes desperate to get her back - especially when a vision shows her that Barbara is in danger. It's not Louis or Kate who helps Lizzie, but Louis' friend Tom, who also provides Lizzie and Barbara refuge with his grandfather.

Beautifully written, with a rich setting - farm, village, and city - and characters. In retrospect, much might have been different if Lizzie had known a bit more about human biology and societal norms, and if Rab hadn't been so inflexible and unforgiving.

See also: Maggie O'Farrell


Should a person's life depend on a thin chain of coincidences? (22)

Lizzie repeated what Hugh used to say: heaven was a way to make poor people behave. If they believed in the rewards of the afterlife, they wouldn't complain about this one. (55)

No one but Hugh had ever spoken as if her life were one thing and could, perhaps, be another. (73)

She had wanted to be a good girl, she still did, but there were other things she wanted more. (84)

He talked on, trying to convince her, but all she heard was that his life would continue running along the rails, while hers hurtled toward ruin. (117)

The letter weighed less than a handful of corn, yet to send it would change everything....I'm just knocking at the door, she told herself. I don't have to open it. (141)

"I'd give anything not to have left, but what can I do now?" (185)

"I don't blame you, but don't promise something you can't do." (Kate to Lizzie, 187) ( )
  JennyArch | Feb 14, 2024 |
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"From the New York Times best-selling author of The Flight of Gemma Hardy, a novel about a young woman whose gift of second sight complicates her coming of age in late 19th century Scotland Growing up in the care of her grandparents on Belhaven farm, Lizzie Craig discovers at a young age that she can see into the future. Her gift of sight is selective-she doesn't, for instance, see that she has an older sister who will come to join the family on her beloved farm. But she does see "pictures" that foretell various incidents and accidents and begins to realize a painful truth: she may glimpse the future, but she can seldom change it. Nor can Lizzie change the feelings that come when a young man named Louis, visiting Belhaven for the harvest, begins to court her. Why have the adults around her not revealed that the touch of a hand can change everything? After following Louis to Glasgow, though, she learns the limits of his devotion, and when faced with a seemingly impossible choice, she makes what turns out to be a terrible mistake. But while Lizzie can't change the past, her second sight may allow her a second chance. Luminous and transporting, The Road from Belhaven once again displays "the marvelous control of a writer who conjures equally well the tangible, sensory world . . . and the mysteries, stranger and wilder, that flicker at the border of that world." (The Boston Globe)"--

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