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The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as…

The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart (The CBC Massey Lectures) (édition 2023)

par Astra Taylor (Auteur)

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531502,248 (4.13)1
"These days, everyone feels insecure. We are financially precarious, overwhelmed and anxious, and worried about the future. While millions endure the stress of struggling to make ends meet, in reality, the status quo isn't working for anyone, even the affluent and comparatively privileged; they, too, are deeply insecure. What is going on? The Age of Insecurity exposes how seemingly disparate crises -- our suffering mental health and rising inequality, the ecological emergency, and the threat of fascism -- are tied to the fact that our social order runs on insecurity. Across disparate sectors, from policing and the military to the wellness and beauty industries, the systems that promise us security instead actively undermine it. We are all made insecure on purpose, and our endless striving shapes how we feel about ourselves and others -- including what we believe is personally and collectively possible. The Age of Insecurity sheds new light on our contemporary predicament, exposing the psychological and political costs of the insecurity-generating status quo, while proposing ways to forge a new path forward."--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart (The CBC Massey Lectures)
Auteurs:Astra Taylor (Auteur)
Info:House of Anansi Press (2023), 352 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart par Astra Taylor


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Excellent synthesis of social history with commentary on our current capitalist system. This is one of the better Massey Lectures published by the CBC and House of Anansi Press. My favourites are Payback by Margaret Atwood and A Short History of Progress by Ronald Wright. The Age of Insecurity by Astra Taylor ranks just below those two. ( )
2 voter Neil_Luvs_Books | Dec 20, 2023 |
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"These days, everyone feels insecure. We are financially precarious, overwhelmed and anxious, and worried about the future. While millions endure the stress of struggling to make ends meet, in reality, the status quo isn't working for anyone, even the affluent and comparatively privileged; they, too, are deeply insecure. What is going on? The Age of Insecurity exposes how seemingly disparate crises -- our suffering mental health and rising inequality, the ecological emergency, and the threat of fascism -- are tied to the fact that our social order runs on insecurity. Across disparate sectors, from policing and the military to the wellness and beauty industries, the systems that promise us security instead actively undermine it. We are all made insecure on purpose, and our endless striving shapes how we feel about ourselves and others -- including what we believe is personally and collectively possible. The Age of Insecurity sheds new light on our contemporary predicament, exposing the psychological and political costs of the insecurity-generating status quo, while proposing ways to forge a new path forward."--

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