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The Fragment of Light (The Shattered Soul)

par Ben Hale

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One Shattered Soul. Five Fragments of Power. The tide of war continues to rise, and the fragments of Draeken have parted to fight the expanding threats. While the other fragments hunt the remaining outlanders, Light dons the persona of Serak, head of the Order of Ancients, and infiltrates their ranks to find the missing dark elf queen. But wearing Serak's face will not hide Light's nature, and his innocence could very well be their undoing. Highly impulsive and easily distracted, Light must rely on Willow to keep him in check. The dark elf soldier is cunning and focused, yet it is her tattoos that bring her renown. They are tools and weapons inscribed on her flesh, ink to be wielded. The trail for the queen will take them from underground cities to snowy peaks, and by the time the dust settles, there will be a trail of chaos through the Order. The fragment of Light has been unleashed.… (plus d'informations)

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One Shattered Soul. Five Fragments of Power. The tide of war continues to rise, and the fragments of Draeken have parted to fight the expanding threats. While the other fragments hunt the remaining outlanders, Light dons the persona of Serak, head of the Order of Ancients, and infiltrates their ranks to find the missing dark elf queen. But wearing Serak's face will not hide Light's nature, and his innocence could very well be their undoing. Highly impulsive and easily distracted, Light must rely on Willow to keep him in check. The dark elf soldier is cunning and focused, yet it is her tattoos that bring her renown. They are tools and weapons inscribed on her flesh, ink to be wielded. The trail for the queen will take them from underground cities to snowy peaks, and by the time the dust settles, there will be a trail of chaos through the Order. The fragment of Light has been unleashed.

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