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par Harry Holmes

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Meet Morgan, a misunderstood porcupine with a big heart...and a very special dream.At first glance, Morgan seems to be a porcupine like any other. His sharp quills protect him from predators that roam the forested mountain where he lives. In fact, most of the other animals on the mountain avoid him, too. They're afraid to get too close to his quills.Morgan's only friend is the beaver, Beav--but Beav lives a very different life, and Morgan cannot see him often. Misunderstood and lonely, Morgan longs for a friend to share a hug with him in spite of his quills.After a chance encounter with a bear, Morgan finally makes up his mind: he must leave the forest and find a friend who won't be frightened of him. Nervous, but full of curiosity, Morgan decides to follow his dream and go on a journey to make friends with a human.As he leaves his mountain home, he faces new obstacles and dangers, like powerful waterfalls, noisy roads, and speedy cars. At times, he thinks of turning back and giving up on his dream, but Morgan is no quitter. His courage is strong, and he's determined to find a friend and make a new life outside the forest. Soon, he finds himself nearing human civilization. When he hears the cries of a young girl in trouble, will Morgan be able to help her--and finally make a human friend?… (plus d'informations)
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Meet Morgan, a misunderstood porcupine with a big heart...and a very special dream.At first glance, Morgan seems to be a porcupine like any other. His sharp quills protect him from predators that roam the forested mountain where he lives. In fact, most of the other animals on the mountain avoid him, too. They're afraid to get too close to his quills.Morgan's only friend is the beaver, Beav--but Beav lives a very different life, and Morgan cannot see him often. Misunderstood and lonely, Morgan longs for a friend to share a hug with him in spite of his quills.After a chance encounter with a bear, Morgan finally makes up his mind: he must leave the forest and find a friend who won't be frightened of him. Nervous, but full of curiosity, Morgan decides to follow his dream and go on a journey to make friends with a human.As he leaves his mountain home, he faces new obstacles and dangers, like powerful waterfalls, noisy roads, and speedy cars. At times, he thinks of turning back and giving up on his dream, but Morgan is no quitter. His courage is strong, and he's determined to find a friend and make a new life outside the forest. Soon, he finds himself nearing human civilization. When he hears the cries of a young girl in trouble, will Morgan be able to help her--and finally make a human friend?

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