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Magnolia Table, Volume 3: A Collection of Recipes for Gathering

par Joanna Gaines

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Cooking & Food. Nonfiction. HTML:

Joanna Gainesâ??cofounder of Magnolia, cook and host of Magnolia Table with Joanna Gaines, and New York Times bestselling authorâ??brings us her third cookbook filled with timeless and nostalgic recipesâ??now reimaginedâ??for today's home cook.

Whether it's in the making, the gathering, or the tasting of something truly delicious, this collection of recipes from Magnolia Table, Volume 3 is an invitation to savor every moment. In Joanna's first cookbook, the #1 New York Times bestselling Magnolia Table, she introduced readers to her favorite passed-down family recipes. For her second cookbook, Magnolia Table, Volume 2, she pushed herself beyond her comfort zone to develop new recipes for her family. In this, her third cookbook, Joanna shares the recipesâ??old and newâ??that she's enjoyed the most over the years. The result is a cookbook filled with recipes that are timeless, creative, and delicious! Just as in her past books, within each recipe Joanna speaks to the reader, explaining why she likes a recipe, what inspired her to create it in the first place, and how she prefers to serve it. The book is beautifully photographed and filled with dishes you will want to bring into your own home, including:

  • Honey Butter Layered Biscuit Bites
  • Bananas Foster Pancakes
  • Brussels Sprout Gruyére Gratin
  • White Chicken Alfredo Lasagna
  • Garlic Shrimp over Parmesan Risotto
  • Peanut Butter Pie
  • Brownie… (plus d'informations)
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    Cooking & Food. Nonfiction. HTML:

    Joanna Gainesâ??cofounder of Magnolia, cook and host of Magnolia Table with Joanna Gaines, and New York Times bestselling authorâ??brings us her third cookbook filled with timeless and nostalgic recipesâ??now reimaginedâ??for today's home cook.

    Whether it's in the making, the gathering, or the tasting of something truly delicious, this collection of recipes from Magnolia Table, Volume 3 is an invitation to savor every moment. In Joanna's first cookbook, the #1 New York Times bestselling Magnolia Table, she introduced readers to her favorite passed-down family recipes. For her second cookbook, Magnolia Table, Volume 2, she pushed herself beyond her comfort zone to develop new recipes for her family. In this, her third cookbook, Joanna shares the recipesâ??old and newâ??that she's enjoyed the most over the years. The result is a cookbook filled with recipes that are timeless, creative, and delicious! Just as in her past books, within each recipe Joanna speaks to the reader, explaining why she likes a recipe, what inspired her to create it in the first place, and how she prefers to serve it. The book is beautifully photographed and filled with dishes you will want to bring into your own home, including:

    Honey Butter Layered Biscuit Bites Bananas Foster Pancakes Brussels Sprout Gruyére Gratin White Chicken Alfredo Lasagna Garlic Shrimp over Parmesan Risotto Peanut Butter Pie Brownie

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