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Puritans At Play: Leisure and Recreation in…

Puritans At Play: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England (édition 1996)

par Bruce C. Daniels

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'It is rare for a book to be both erudite and amusing at the same time, and this book has succeeded. It has changed the common but unacceptable image of the Puritans as dull, solemn, melancholy misanthropes' - Horton Davies, author of The Worship of the American Puritans For over four centuries, 'puritan' has been a synonym for dour, joyless, and repressed. In Puritans at Play, Bruce Daniels reappraises the accuracy of this grim portrait by examining leisure and recreation in colonial and revolutionary New England. Chapters on music, dinner parties, dancing, sex, alcohol, taverns, and sports are presented in a lively style making this book as entertaining as it is illuminating.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Puritans At Play: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England
Auteurs:Bruce C. Daniels
Info:Palgrave Macmillan (1996), Paperback
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:religion, puritans, leisure, culture, history

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Puritans at Play: Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England par Bruce C. Daniels


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This book is reasonably good. The authour works very hard to destroy the myth that the Puritains were all sober, somber and interested only in attending church and burning witches. He does a fairly god job of this . I would reccomend this book to anyone interested in the Colonial history of the United States.

t ( )
  arelenriel | Aug 6, 2006 |
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'It is rare for a book to be both erudite and amusing at the same time, and this book has succeeded. It has changed the common but unacceptable image of the Puritans as dull, solemn, melancholy misanthropes' - Horton Davies, author of The Worship of the American Puritans For over four centuries, 'puritan' has been a synonym for dour, joyless, and repressed. In Puritans at Play, Bruce Daniels reappraises the accuracy of this grim portrait by examining leisure and recreation in colonial and revolutionary New England. Chapters on music, dinner parties, dancing, sex, alcohol, taverns, and sports are presented in a lively style making this book as entertaining as it is illuminating.

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