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Friends Don't Fall in Love: A Novel par Erin…

Friends Don't Fall in Love: A Novel (édition 2023)

par Erin Hahn (Auteur)

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Erin Hahn's Friends Don't Fall in Love is about long-time friends, taking chances, and finding out that, sometimes, your perfect person was right there in your corner all along. Lorelai Jones had it all: a thriving country music career and a superstar fianc. Then she played one teenie tiny protest song at a concert and ruined her entire future, including her impending celebrity marriage. But five years later, she refuses to be done with her dreams and calls up the one person who stuck by her, her dear friend and her former fianc's co-writer and bandmate, Craig. Craig Boseman's held a torch for Lorelai for years, but even he knows the backup bass player never gets the girl. Things are different now, though. Craig owns his own indie record label and his songwriting career is taking off. If he can confront his past and embrace his gifts, he might just be able to help Lorelai earn the comeback she deserves-and maybe win her heart in the process. But when the two reunite to rebuild her career and finally scratch that itch that's been building between them for years, Lorelai realizes a lot about what friends don't do. For one, friends don't have scratch-that-itch sex. They also don't almost-kiss on street corners, publish secret erotic poetry about each other, have counter-top sex, write songs for each other, have no-strings motorcycle sex, or go on dates. And they sure as heck don't fall in love... right?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Friends Don't Fall in Love: A Novel
Auteurs:Erin Hahn (Auteur)
Info:St. Martin's Griffin (2023), 329 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, Lus mais non possédés

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Friends Don't Fall in Love par Erin Hahn


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Friends Don’t Fall in Love by Erin Hahn
Contemporary romance. Friends to lovers troupe and Second Chance.
Lorelai Jones had a thriving country music career until she included a protest song at a concert that killed her career. After teaching for several years, she decides to relaunch her singing career and reaches out to her former band mate and co-writer Craig.
Craig Boseman has been in love with Lorelai for years. Their one night of passion together destroyed their friendship so he left the band and created his own record label. When Lorelai calls on Craig with a request to re-start her career and asking that they work together again to write new songs, he can’t resist her.

Second chance and falling in love after a long friendship. Craig is skittish and doesn’t believe he can have the love of his life so there are ups and downs in the story as they move together and he then steps back. More than once. Additional story elements include her ex finance and assumptions.
🎧 Special addition is an actual recoding at the end of the book, of the song that Craig writes for Lorelai. The female narration on the audiobook has quite the southern twang.
I appreciate a friends to lovers story as long as there is communication and openness. This was lacking a bit of that but eventually came together in the end.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Oct 29, 2023 |
I voluntarily agreed to read and honestly review this book.
*sigh* I so loved this story. There’s this rumor that says you shouldn’t fall in love with your best friend, but I think that’s a bunch of hoo-hah. “Who better to fall in love with than someone who Knows you?” is what I always ask. The best kind of love is with someone who knows your quirks, your motivations, your insecurities, and the things that make you You. And Erin Hahn’s story proves my point.
  SherDEMomma | Sep 8, 2023 |
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Erin Hahn's Friends Don't Fall in Love is about long-time friends, taking chances, and finding out that, sometimes, your perfect person was right there in your corner all along. Lorelai Jones had it all: a thriving country music career and a superstar fianc. Then she played one teenie tiny protest song at a concert and ruined her entire future, including her impending celebrity marriage. But five years later, she refuses to be done with her dreams and calls up the one person who stuck by her, her dear friend and her former fianc's co-writer and bandmate, Craig. Craig Boseman's held a torch for Lorelai for years, but even he knows the backup bass player never gets the girl. Things are different now, though. Craig owns his own indie record label and his songwriting career is taking off. If he can confront his past and embrace his gifts, he might just be able to help Lorelai earn the comeback she deserves-and maybe win her heart in the process. But when the two reunite to rebuild her career and finally scratch that itch that's been building between them for years, Lorelai realizes a lot about what friends don't do. For one, friends don't have scratch-that-itch sex. They also don't almost-kiss on street corners, publish secret erotic poetry about each other, have counter-top sex, write songs for each other, have no-strings motorcycle sex, or go on dates. And they sure as heck don't fall in love... right?

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