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Wraith Kings, Volume 1 par Grace Draven

Wraith Kings, Volume 1 (édition 2023)

par Grace Draven (Auteur)

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The human and Kai kingdoms of Gaur and Bast-Haradis have negotiated a trade alliance that includes an arranged marriage between the Gauri king's niece and the Kai king's youngest son to seal the bargain. Ildiko has accepted her fate to become the wife of a hideous Kai husband and move to a foreign land where she knows little of the culture and even less of the people who aren't human and find humans repulsive. What she doesn't expect is to find her groom enchanting, kind, and fiercely devoted. But the strength of friendship may not be enough to grow or hold together a marriage when forces both worldly and otherworldly threaten to tear it and everything around them apart.In Radiance, Ildiko of Gaur submits to a marriage with the prince of the Kai, an Elder race possessing fading magic. Humans find the Kai hideous, and the sentiment is returned by the Kai. Ildiko has put that aside in the hopes her union with the prince will at least be one of civility. Equally resigned to his fate, Brishen Khaskem discovers his new bride is as ugly as he expected and more beautiful than he could have imagined. Two people brought together by duty will forge bonds of friendship and affection even as others scheme to destroy their union.A tale of friendship and devotion.In Eidolon, Brishen and Ildiko have found happiness in the Kai stronghold known as Saggara. That happiness, however, is short-lived when they must confront a demonic horde unleashed on the Kai kingdom, abominations which threaten to devour the world itself. They also have to face the hard realities of kingship, where the privilege of wearing the crown and taking the throne means making the ultimate sacrifice in lives, love, and the soul of a nation.A tale of alliance and sacrifice.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Wraith Kings, Volume 1
Auteurs:Grace Draven (Auteur)
Info:Nancy Yost Literary Agency, Inc (2023), Edition: Is Pod ed., 510 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Wraith Kings, Volume 1 par Grace Draven

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The human and Kai kingdoms of Gaur and Bast-Haradis have negotiated a trade alliance that includes an arranged marriage between the Gauri king's niece and the Kai king's youngest son to seal the bargain. Ildiko has accepted her fate to become the wife of a hideous Kai husband and move to a foreign land where she knows little of the culture and even less of the people who aren't human and find humans repulsive. What she doesn't expect is to find her groom enchanting, kind, and fiercely devoted. But the strength of friendship may not be enough to grow or hold together a marriage when forces both worldly and otherworldly threaten to tear it and everything around them apart.In Radiance, Ildiko of Gaur submits to a marriage with the prince of the Kai, an Elder race possessing fading magic. Humans find the Kai hideous, and the sentiment is returned by the Kai. Ildiko has put that aside in the hopes her union with the prince will at least be one of civility. Equally resigned to his fate, Brishen Khaskem discovers his new bride is as ugly as he expected and more beautiful than he could have imagined. Two people brought together by duty will forge bonds of friendship and affection even as others scheme to destroy their union.A tale of friendship and devotion.In Eidolon, Brishen and Ildiko have found happiness in the Kai stronghold known as Saggara. That happiness, however, is short-lived when they must confront a demonic horde unleashed on the Kai kingdom, abominations which threaten to devour the world itself. They also have to face the hard realities of kingship, where the privilege of wearing the crown and taking the throne means making the ultimate sacrifice in lives, love, and the soul of a nation.A tale of alliance and sacrifice.

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