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Subtle Energy Work: Meditative Exercises for Healing, Self-Care, and Inner Balance

par Synthia Andrews

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"If you've always known that there's more to you than you learned in Biology 101, but find yourself intimidated by the technical language of science, this is the beautiful book you've been waiting for!" --Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author of The Divine Matrix Learning to consciously interact in the domain of subtle energy is the next step in personal and planetary transformation. Subtle Energy Work is a unique guide to principles, practices, and exercises to help you access your energy awareness and live a more empowered life. In the book are 13 meditations that activate patterns of light within your energy body to awaken specific abilities and levels of awareness. Each meditation includes benefits and purpose, step-by-step written directions augmented with line drawings, and an interpretive illustration of the completed energy pattern. There are also daily energy clearing and detoxification exercises. Subtle energy is more than life force; it is the substance of reality and the vehicle of consciousness. Your body is wired to navigate this domain. You are equipped with everything needed to engage the world of energy and creatively change your life. You simply need to remember how. Subtle Energy Work is a guide to living with expanded consciousness. Included are techniques that build energy awareness and use this skill to deepen your spiritual path, intimacy in relationships, align with earth energy, clear space, create protection, manifest goals, facilitate healing, and more. Previously published as The Path of Energy (ISBN 9781601631725), this edition contains updates, a new chapter, and foreword by Dannion Brinkley, author of Secrets of the Light.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parNightMarily, pslamia, FourlocksBooks

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"If you've always known that there's more to you than you learned in Biology 101, but find yourself intimidated by the technical language of science, this is the beautiful book you've been waiting for!" --Gregg Braden, New York Times bestselling author of The Divine Matrix Learning to consciously interact in the domain of subtle energy is the next step in personal and planetary transformation. Subtle Energy Work is a unique guide to principles, practices, and exercises to help you access your energy awareness and live a more empowered life. In the book are 13 meditations that activate patterns of light within your energy body to awaken specific abilities and levels of awareness. Each meditation includes benefits and purpose, step-by-step written directions augmented with line drawings, and an interpretive illustration of the completed energy pattern. There are also daily energy clearing and detoxification exercises. Subtle energy is more than life force; it is the substance of reality and the vehicle of consciousness. Your body is wired to navigate this domain. You are equipped with everything needed to engage the world of energy and creatively change your life. You simply need to remember how. Subtle Energy Work is a guide to living with expanded consciousness. Included are techniques that build energy awareness and use this skill to deepen your spiritual path, intimacy in relationships, align with earth energy, clear space, create protection, manifest goals, facilitate healing, and more. Previously published as The Path of Energy (ISBN 9781601631725), this edition contains updates, a new chapter, and foreword by Dannion Brinkley, author of Secrets of the Light.

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