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Nursery Earth: The Wondrous Lives of Baby…

Nursery Earth: The Wondrous Lives of Baby Animals and the Extraordinary Ways They Shape Our World (édition 2023)

par Danna Staaf (Auteur), Richard Strathmann (Avant-propos)

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"An astonishing safari of infant animals, from baby kangaroos to flamingos to squid, and the essential role they play in Earth's ecosystems"--
Titre:Nursery Earth: The Wondrous Lives of Baby Animals and the Extraordinary Ways They Shape Our World
Auteurs:Danna Staaf (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Richard Strathmann (Avant-propos)
Info:The Experiment (2023), 280 pages
Collections:Read, Lus mais non possédés
Mots-clés:nonfiction, jewish authors, authors of colour

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Nursery Earth: The Wondrous Lives of Baby Animals and the Extraordinary Ways They Shape Our World par Danna Staaf


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Excerpted from a longer article:
Animal-Human Relationships
From turtles and koalas to animal babies, explore several new books that examine the lives of animals and their relationships with humans around the world.
Nursery Earth: The Wondrous Lives of Baby Animals and the Extraordinary Ways They Shape our World
Danna Staaf, 2023, The Experiment, an imprint of Hachette Book Group
Themes: Nature, Animals, Baby Animals
From egg to adulthood, explore the cycles of life in the animal world. Tracing both the history and science of animal development, Staaf shares fascinating facts and insights into the lesser known aspects of animal life.
Take-aways: Explore often overlooked phases of animal development.

Whether helping educators keep up-to-date in their subject-areas, promoting student reading in the content-areas, or simply encouraging nonfiction leisure reading, teacher librarians need to be aware of the best new titles across the curriculum and how to activate life-long learning. - Annette Lamb ( )
  eduscapes | Jul 3, 2023 |
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"An astonishing safari of infant animals, from baby kangaroos to flamingos to squid, and the essential role they play in Earth's ecosystems"--

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