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Yummy Toddler Food: Dinnertime SOS: 100 Sanity-Saving Meals Parents and Kids of All Ages Will Actually Want to Eat: A Cookbook

par Amy Palanjian

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"You rush home from work, tired from the day but looking forward to sharing a meal with your family. Except you're short on energy-but you need to pick a recipe, chop and prep ingredients, and tend to the kids. How are you supposed to juggle these responsibilities and make a meal that everyone at your table actually wants to eat? Enter Dinnertime SOS, a collection of super-fast, accessible, and delicious family meals that appeal to both kids and parents. As the founder of Yummy Toddler Foods and a nationally recognized expert on feeding families well, Amy Palanjian is here to help customize meals for even the pickiest of eaters, sharing recipes the whole family can enjoy together. This is your playbook to make the most of your limited time in kitchen, embrace quality shortcuts, and ditch the guilt. This is the cookbook that parents with little kids have been waiting for. With recipes that are all super fast - we're talking twenty minutes max - or that can be prepped ahead and thrown into the slow cooker or instant pot, this is everything you need to prepare healthy meals on a budget from a trusted source. Nourishing weeknight dinners include: Sweet Potato Mac and Cheese, DIY Bagel Pizzas, Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Instant Pot Burrito Bowls, and the Ultimate Family Charcuterie Board. With strategies to cut down on cooking time, healthy shortcuts, and meal planning tips, Dinnertime SOS shares tried and true cooking advice and recipes to help parents win dinnertime"--… (plus d'informations)

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"You rush home from work, tired from the day but looking forward to sharing a meal with your family. Except you're short on energy-but you need to pick a recipe, chop and prep ingredients, and tend to the kids. How are you supposed to juggle these responsibilities and make a meal that everyone at your table actually wants to eat? Enter Dinnertime SOS, a collection of super-fast, accessible, and delicious family meals that appeal to both kids and parents. As the founder of Yummy Toddler Foods and a nationally recognized expert on feeding families well, Amy Palanjian is here to help customize meals for even the pickiest of eaters, sharing recipes the whole family can enjoy together. This is your playbook to make the most of your limited time in kitchen, embrace quality shortcuts, and ditch the guilt. This is the cookbook that parents with little kids have been waiting for. With recipes that are all super fast - we're talking twenty minutes max - or that can be prepped ahead and thrown into the slow cooker or instant pot, this is everything you need to prepare healthy meals on a budget from a trusted source. Nourishing weeknight dinners include: Sweet Potato Mac and Cheese, DIY Bagel Pizzas, Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Instant Pot Burrito Bowls, and the Ultimate Family Charcuterie Board. With strategies to cut down on cooking time, healthy shortcuts, and meal planning tips, Dinnertime SOS shares tried and true cooking advice and recipes to help parents win dinnertime"--

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