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A Compromising Position par Diane Merrill…

A Compromising Position (édition 2022)

par Diane Merrill Wigginton (Auteur), Diane Merrill-Wigginton (Auteur)

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13101,562,468 (4.7)Aucun
enemy to lover novel for a new generation of love has all the sizzle and swoon, but no explicit and unambiguous content.
Titre:A Compromising Position
Auteurs:Diane Merrill Wigginton (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Diane Merrill-Wigginton (Auteur)
Info:Jeweled Dagger Publishing (2022), Edition: 1, 293 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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A Compromising Position par Diane Merrill Wigginton


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“Compromising Position,” authored by Diane Merrill Wiggington, is a romantic story set in a small town. This would instantly make you part of a beautiful love gradually growing between our central pair, Catherine and Jake. They are poles apart, and the author has well-crafted this with the deatils of their experience and lifestyle. While reading their introduction, you would definitely think, "How would love happen between them?". Catherine, a known workoholic, is on a mission to do her job with perfection when she stumbles upon Jack, an Australian visiting her place, just for a vacation or to know "what to do next" in his life. There is an evident difference in their characters and lifestyles, as well as well described by the author. But this is the beauty of the book, serving the unpredictable to keep your interest growing with each page. I'm happy to see that the author's fantastic creativity is being shared with fantastic books. Reading this writer's work is always a privilege. What a fantastic storyteller this author is. An amazing linguistic trail of romance with moderate pace. If you are looking for an engaging romantic read, this is a suggested pick. ( )
  Th40eo | Aug 2, 2024 |
A Compromising Position by Diane Merrill Wigginton promises her readers an enticing experience with a delicious plot and shamelessly devious characters. When Catherine lrence is promoted as the company's campaign manager, archnemesis Patricia Grant cannot believe it. She was so sure that she had the boss wrapped around her sultry little finger! But nevermind, Patricia's never been afrid to get her hands dirty and the new plan she's concocted is next level scandalous.

Character-driven, A Compromising Position had an engaging storyline and realistic characters. Catherine, the protagonist, was a good example of how one can get carried away with one aspect of life while totally neglecting the other; compromising ensures a healthy lifestyle. I really enjoyed this novel and feel that both strong-willed and introverted women will find something here they'll enjoy just as much! ( )
  BizziBoox | Jul 23, 2024 |
Oh my gosh... this is absolutely adorable. I love a good romance, especially the 'boy next door' trope. I pictured a drop-dead gorgeous Australian man who likes to surf. (Okay, I might have had the Hemsworth brothers on my mind when I read this)

Catherine Lawrence recently got promoted after a guy at her work was let go, making her the new campaign manager. She has a lot more on her plate now, and she does not want to disappoint. I would describe her as a bit of a perfectionist. She likes order and does things systematically. Unfortunately, she lives alone after losing her grandmother, Alice.

Early in the book, she gets a new Australian neighbour, Jake. Attractive, goofy, and persistent in a good way. Even though she thinks he is gorgeous, she doesn't like his attitude and misinterprets a few things he says. This is mostly due to his use of Australian slang. However, the tension she feels towards him soon thaws. ( )
  DerrinZ | Jul 18, 2024 |
A Compromising Position, written by Diane Merrill Wigginton, is a romantic read, and I enjoyed every page.

The story revolves around Jake Ryan, from Australia, and Catherine Lawrence, his neighbor in Florida. Catherine lived with her grandparents and followed a fifteen-year plan laid down by her. She was focused and reluctant to bring any exception until Jake arrived. The love was not instant for them; it took time for them to bloom into lovers. Their a few meetings were unpleasant, and Catherine felt offended a few times, mainly because of the cultural difference.
This book is a definite match to my reading palette. This was a moderately paced, engaging story filled with adequate drama. The instances are amusing and gave me a "buttefly effect" due to the blooming romance. I was impressed with the variety of subplots. Although it was a romantic tale, the sub-plots to depict cultural and lifestyle differences are very well written and engage to the core. You will be engrossed in the story of two people from different worlds, gradually connecting and witnessing their love growing. The writing style is reader-friendly and comprehensive. ( )
  Veritty | Jul 8, 2024 |
Catherine is working to elect her friend, Russell, to be the next governor of Florida. After the current campaign manager, Chase, is fired, she takes his place. But Chase wants revenge, as does Patricia, who was passed over for the job. Both Chase and Patricia conspire to take Russell down, and Chase also wants to destroy Catherine.
Catherine's dashing neighbor, Jake, from Australia, works his way into Catherine's life, asking her to re-evaluate her choices. Is she in politics because she wants to be, or is it her deceased grandmother's dream for her? As the stakes and the passion heat up, Catherine needs to make some choices which will set the course for her life.
A good romance with a bit of politics and revenge, too. ( )
  rmarcin | Jul 7, 2024 |
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enemy to lover novel for a new generation of love has all the sizzle and swoon, but no explicit and unambiguous content.

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