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The Fire, the Water, and Maudie McGinn par…

The Fire, the Water, and Maudie McGinn (édition 2023)

par Sally J. Pla (Auteur)

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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Neurodivergent Maudie is ready to spend an amazing summer with her dad, but will she find the courage to tell him a terrible secret about life with her mom and new stepdad? This contemporary novel by the award-winning author of The Someday Birds is a must-read for fans of Leslie Connor and Ali Standish.

Maudie always looks forward to the summers she spends in California with her dad. But this year, she must keep a troubling secret about her home life—one that her mom warned her never to tell. Maudie wants to confide in her dad about her stepdad's anger, but she's scared.

When a wildfire strikes, Maudie and her dad are forced to evacuate to the beach town where he grew up. It's another turbulent wave of change. But now, every morning, from their camper, Maudie can see surfers bobbing in the water. She desperately wants to learn, but could she ever be brave enough?

As Maudie navigates unfamiliar waters, she makes friends—and her autism no longer feels like the big deal her mom makes it out to be. But her secret is still threatening to sink her. Will Maudie find the strength to reveal the awful truth—and maybe even find some way to stay with Dad—before summer is over?

Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Fire, the Water, and Maudie McGinn
Auteurs:Sally J. Pla (Auteur)
Info:Quill Tree Books (2023), 336 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, Lus mais non possédés, Audiobook

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Fire, the Water, and Maudie McGinn par Sally J. Pla


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4 sur 4
Love this book! Maudi is a strong and amazing young woman who is dealing with some terrible secrets when she is thrown for a loop during one amazing summer. She learns that she is stronger than she thinks and finds out what a truly special person she is. This coming-of-age story is a must-read for any middle-grade student that has ever felt out of place or as if they don't fit in. If I was still teaching this would be on my reading list for class this year! ( )
  FlowerBrookCottage | Aug 29, 2024 |
Maudie has been waiting and waiting for the summer with her dad. When she arrives at his house, they get evacuated due to a wild fire. After a night in a shelter, they head to the coastal California town where her dad grew up. Maudie decides to learn to surf while she is there as a surprise to her dad.
Life with her mom and step-dad is rough. It is clear that Maudie is keeping a secret but it is a slow reveal.
Maudie is autistic and the book gives insight into how that impacts her life and dealing with sensory issues.
This book is not one I would've picked up on my own but was a great read that had me turning pages to find out what would happen next! ( )
  ewyatt | Aug 29, 2024 |
First sentence: I learned this great calm-down trick recently. It was the end-of-the-year seventh-grade dance, back in Houston, which is where I live during the school year with my mom and stepdad.

Premise/plot: Maudie McGinn looks forward to spending summers with her dad in California, but a wildfire destroys "plan A" and the two quickly come up with a "plan B." Maudie didn't plan on spending her summer learning to surf while her father hunts for a job. But ANYTHING is better than having to spend the summer with her mother and stepfather instead. Will Maudie share her deepest, darkest secret by the time the summer is over?

My thoughts: Maudie has autism but that is not the whole story; that is not what the whole book revolves around. I love seeing Maudie begin to live life more fully and freely. The book does have a happily-ever-after, rosy ending, BUT, only after much worry and angst. Maudie does deserve some happiness after living with her stepfather for several years and enduring much cruelty.

I do think most of the characters fall into two categories--either perfectly perfect saints or dastardly villains. But overall I enjoyed this one very much. ( )
  blbooks | Feb 7, 2024 |
I so enjoyed listening to this novel about autistic Maudie.

Maudie lives in Texas with her mother and new stepfather. In flashbacks, we learn about Maudie's life in Texas. Her mother strives to be well-known on social media, spending time gettings as many followers as she can in order to make a living as an influencer. She fails to understand Maudie's autism. She feels that Maudie should just get over it. Just let the issues go. Maudie doesn't like talking to people on the phone or being in crowds or talking to anyone she doesn't know well. Maudie's new stepfather believes that being harsh and abusive will fix Maudie's problems. Needless to say, Maudie is thrilled to be spending the summer, as she does every summer, with her father. He owns a beautiful cabin in the mountains of California. On the day Maudie arrives, she finds herself homeless. A fire sweeps through the forest, keeping them from returning to the cabin. They lose everything. Her father is a wood worker, actually, an artist with wood. His latest contract was building bar stools for a rich client. Now, they have nothing--no money, clothes, food, or shelter.

Maudie and her father end up returning to the father's hometown on the coast of California. Here Maudie finds a life she never would have imagined she wanted. There's a surf contest coming up and the winner in the beginner's division will win $1000. She must win that for her father. Feeling drawn to the water, Maudie meets a surfer who eventually agrees to help teach her. She meets her father's best friend and his family who become their family. Maudie feels that she's found a loving home where people don't call her bad words.. They love, support, and respect her. She would love to stay with her dad forever.

This novel is sweet. Maudie finds people who help and support her. All kids need adults who protect and love them while letting them explore who they are as people, not chaining them down by their own limited ideas/expectations. It's worth your time. It also helped me understand autism a bit more. ( )
  acargile | Sep 28, 2023 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Neurodivergent Maudie is ready to spend an amazing summer with her dad, but will she find the courage to tell him a terrible secret about life with her mom and new stepdad? This contemporary novel by the award-winning author of The Someday Birds is a must-read for fans of Leslie Connor and Ali Standish.

Maudie always looks forward to the summers she spends in California with her dad. But this year, she must keep a troubling secret about her home life—one that her mom warned her never to tell. Maudie wants to confide in her dad about her stepdad's anger, but she's scared.

When a wildfire strikes, Maudie and her dad are forced to evacuate to the beach town where he grew up. It's another turbulent wave of change. But now, every morning, from their camper, Maudie can see surfers bobbing in the water. She desperately wants to learn, but could she ever be brave enough?

As Maudie navigates unfamiliar waters, she makes friends—and her autism no longer feels like the big deal her mom makes it out to be. But her secret is still threatening to sink her. Will Maudie find the strength to reveal the awful truth—and maybe even find some way to stay with Dad—before summer is over?

Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.


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