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The house is on fire par Rachel Beanland

The house is on fire (original 2023; édition 2023)

par Rachel Beanland

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3452277,836 (4.01)16
Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:A masterful and "gripping" (The Washington Post) work of historical fiction about an incendiary tragedy that shocked a young nation and tore apart a community in a single night, from the author of Florence Adler Swims Forever.
One of The Washington Post's Most Anticipated Books of April
E! News: "12 Books to Add to Your Reading List in April"
AARP: "43 of Our Favorite New Books for Spring"
Goodreads: "Readers' Most Anticipated Books for Spring"
BookBub: "The Best Historical Fiction of Spring"

Richmond, Virginia 1811. It's the height of the winter social season, the General Assembly is in session, and many of Virginia's gentleman planters, along with their wives and children, have made the long and arduous journey to the capital in hopes of whiling away the darkest days of the year. At the city's only theater, the Charleston-based Placide & Green Company puts on two plays a night to meet the demand of a populace that's done looking for enlightenment at the front of a church.

On the night after Christmas, the theater is packed with more than six hundred holiday revelers. In the third-floor boxes, sits newly-widowed Sally Henry Campbell, who is glad for any opportunity to relive the happy times she shared with her husband. One floor away, in the colored gallery, Cecily Patterson doesn't give a whit about the play but is grateful for a four-hour reprieve from a life that has recently gone from bad to worse. Backstage, young stagehand Jack Gibson hopes that, if he can impress the theater's managers, he'll be offered a permanent job with the company. And on the other side of town, blacksmith Gilbert Hunt dreams of one day being able to bring his wife to the theater, but he'll have to buy her freedom first.

When the theater goes up in flames in the middle of the performance, Sally, Cecily, Jack, and Gilbert make a series of split-second decisions that will not only affect their own lives but those of countless others. And in the days following the fire, as news of the disaster spreads across the United States, the paths of these four people will become forever intertwined.

Based on the true story of Richmond's theater fire, The House Is on Fire offers proof that sometimes, in the midst of great tragedy, we are offered our most precious??and fleeting??chances at redem… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The house is on fire
Auteurs:Rachel Beanland
Info:New York : Simon & Schuster, 2023.
Collections:Donated 2024, Read in 2023

Information sur l'oeuvre

The House Is on Fire par Rachel Beanland (2023)


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» Voir aussi les 16 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 21 (suivant | tout afficher)
On December 26, 1811, a fire at the Richmond Theater killed 72 people, the largest loss of life in a disaster in the country's history at the time. The House is on Fire by Rachel Beanland is fiction based on that history Through four different perspectives, the author weaves a compelling story of a preventable disaster, its aftermath, its heroes, and its villains. It also paints a vivid picture of a time and place – slavery, the role of women, the role of artists and performers, and the city itself.

Read my complete review at

Reviewed for NetGalley. ( )
  njmom3 | Aug 23, 2024 |
Not one of the men in the crowd looks half as sorrowful as the woman sitting before her, which makes her wonder how a resolution written by women might have read.”
  taurus27 | Jul 31, 2024 |
The House is On Fire, Rachel Beanland, author; Joniece Abbott-Pratt, Andi Arndt, Michael Crouch, Ruffin Prentiss III and Rachel Beanland, narrators
This novel is about a true, tragic event that occurred in 1811, in Richmond, Virginia. When the only theater went up in flames, many people were killed, women especially, in much larger numbers. Few men made an effort to help them, rather they saved themselves. Why did the theater go up in flames? Who survived? What were the circumstances of the times that helped to make the original investigation go off the rails? How did women’s rights and race and religious issues have an effect on the outcome of the investigation? How was the outcome spun to satisfy the powers that be?
In the early part of the 19th century, slavery was still acceptable by many, racism was alive and well, women had no standing in the community without their husband’s consent, and the men were basically in charge of all affairs, financial and personal. Thus, the author has focused on the shortcomings of the country regarding these issues as she explores this incident. Of course, there are no living survivors, so she relies on the little documentation that exists to develop her story. She has done a fine job exposing the injustices toward slaves, women and even, in one slight referral, to Jewish people. The biases that existed then, are alive and well today, however, in bright color, regarding Jewish people, and sadly, a lot of the bias and hate is coming from the very same people who objected to their own incarceration as slaves. To me, they seem to have a bit of tunnel vision today, often exacerbated by some authors who insist on ignoring the racial bias from all sides.
Still, this book is not about that, it is about a tragedy that occurred because of incompetence, arrogance and ignorance. It is about an attempted cover-up and need to blame it on a vulnerable, innocent community of slaves. The author shows that criminal behavior perfectly. She also shows that there were men who knew what was right from wrong and eventually came around to seeing it, but also showed that the people in command were blind to that observation and only wanted to protect themselves. Greed and the need for personal reward rears its head often.
The book shines a light on the state of the country then, and the state of the country now, which is not that much better regarding the respect of the rights of others. It seems respecting our own personal need is taking precedent over right and wrong in almost every area of American life today, with unjust bullying of innocent people, white and black, men and women, politicians and ordinary citizens, supporting lies over truth and honor to accomplish the same political goals then as now; the goal still seems to be that of ultimate power over others to pursue personal agendas not necessarily good for the entire country, but rather for a segment of the population that possibly is not qualified to have it, but is in charge politically.
There are four characters featured in the book. Cecily is a slave of mixed race, the product of an owner and her own mother. Cecily is now being sexually abused by the owner’s son Elliott. She is hoping to be presumed dead in the devastating fire, facilitating her escape to freedom. Gilbert is her uncle. He is attempting to save his money to buy his own freedom. The night of the fire, he was an unsung hero because of his race. His boss resented his heroism since it took time away from his work. Gilbert is a principled man; his boss is not. Jack is a teenage actor who appears to be responsible for the fire and the deaths of so many, mostly women, since men had the advantage of better access to exits; he wants to do the right thing, but his boss wants him to lie and to protect the company and other actors from prosecution. Jack is principled, but his boss and fellow workers are not. When threatened, he acquiesces completely until he sees the unjust results of his actions. Sally is a widow from a privileged class who has lost the large respect of the community because there is no man in her life any longer. The influence and power she once had has been marginalized, but she uses her maiden name in some instances to afford her a well-deserved advantage. She rails against the injustices done to women. All four tell their stories in alternate voices to give a picture of the times with authenticity from both a black and white point of view, and a privileged and underprivileged point of view.
The fire exposes the horrible brutality of slavery and the people who supported it, the arrogance of some men when it came to their power over women, and a government and justice system completely blind to the issues at hand, that contrived to keep that very system in power. It makes one wonder about how so much has changed and so much has remained the same in the world we live in today.
People are still falsely accused and found guilty by corrupt juries and judges. Incompetence is not punished, but is rewarded today in the interest of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, a recipe for disaster, though viewed with a different lens in each circumstance from then to now and encouraged by the political power currently in place.
So, the book has profound ideas that must be considered thoroughly, but may be treated more lightly by book groups intent on their own political interests, instead. Who is guilty? Who is innocent? How do we determine that, with facts or personal need? If machinery is not repaired, who is at fault, the owner or the person using it? If you are afraid of being caught, is it moral to point fingers at those you deem to be “less than” yourself? When is it all right to lie to protect the guilty? Is it ever all right to distort the facts for one’s own benefit? These and other moral and ethical questions must be explored in all avenues of our life today. If we are to enter the future realistically and with moral courage, we must understand how we even got here to this state of willful blindness. ( )
  thewanderingjew | Mar 3, 2024 |
I was captivated by The House Is On Fire by Rachel Beanland. Beanland tells a fictionalized version of the 1811 Richmond theater fire that killed over 70 people including the Governor and a former senator and devastated the community. She focuses her story on four people including the real life Gilbert Hunt, a slave who became a hero for saving many women as they leapt from a second story window. I was not familiar with the story. The book was recommended by a book club member and we will be discussing it on Tuesday. Beanland faces the racism and casual violence of slavery head on as she tells the story of a young slave using the fire to escape abuse and how easy it was to convince southerners that the fire was caused by slaves. ( )
  witchyrichy | Feb 27, 2024 |
A book about four people who survived a horrible fire in a theatre in the early 1800s. Interesting characters who all had different outcomes in the aftermath of the fire. I enjoyed the book and the narration of the four survivors. Interesting to know that it was based on a true story. ( )
  tinkerbellkk | Oct 17, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 21 (suivant | tout afficher)
Beanland skillfully juggles the four main alternating points of view while also increasing the narrative's tension with each chapter ... Also, given the plethora of secondary characters and subplots, it's incredible how much the author gets done with short chapters, lots of dialogue, and impeccable economy of language ... The House Is on Fire is wildly entertaining and it deals with touchy subjects very well.
ajouté par Lemeritus | modifierNPR, Gabino Iglesias (Apr 6, 2023)
Seamlessly interweaving historical facts and her own narrative, Beanland follows these four characters through the fire, the immediate, chaotic aftermath, and the subsequent investigation. Fully realized characters and gripping prose makes for an excellent, riveting novel.
ajouté par Lemeritus | modifierBooklist, Lynnanne Pearson (Feb 1, 2023)
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All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women
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They have their exits
And their entrances
And one man in his time
Plays many parts.

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Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:A masterful and "gripping" (The Washington Post) work of historical fiction about an incendiary tragedy that shocked a young nation and tore apart a community in a single night, from the author of Florence Adler Swims Forever.

One of The Washington Post's Most Anticipated Books of April
E! News: "12 Books to Add to Your Reading List in April"
AARP: "43 of Our Favorite New Books for Spring"
Goodreads: "Readers' Most Anticipated Books for Spring"
BookBub: "The Best Historical Fiction of Spring"

Richmond, Virginia 1811. It's the height of the winter social season, the General Assembly is in session, and many of Virginia's gentleman planters, along with their wives and children, have made the long and arduous journey to the capital in hopes of whiling away the darkest days of the year. At the city's only theater, the Charleston-based Placide & Green Company puts on two plays a night to meet the demand of a populace that's done looking for enlightenment at the front of a church.

On the night after Christmas, the theater is packed with more than six hundred holiday revelers. In the third-floor boxes, sits newly-widowed Sally Henry Campbell, who is glad for any opportunity to relive the happy times she shared with her husband. One floor away, in the colored gallery, Cecily Patterson doesn't give a whit about the play but is grateful for a four-hour reprieve from a life that has recently gone from bad to worse. Backstage, young stagehand Jack Gibson hopes that, if he can impress the theater's managers, he'll be offered a permanent job with the company. And on the other side of town, blacksmith Gilbert Hunt dreams of one day being able to bring his wife to the theater, but he'll have to buy her freedom first.

When the theater goes up in flames in the middle of the performance, Sally, Cecily, Jack, and Gilbert make a series of split-second decisions that will not only affect their own lives but those of countless others. And in the days following the fire, as news of the disaster spreads across the United States, the paths of these four people will become forever intertwined.

Based on the true story of Richmond's theater fire, The House Is on Fire offers proof that sometimes, in the midst of great tragedy, we are offered our most precious??and fleeting??chances at redem

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